chapter 7

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Last chapter:(I will do a summery)

Norway start to text you, since he was worry that you were mad at him and the other. At the end he tells you the secret that everybody was hiding from you, he was the only one that wanted to tell you there secret.


(y/n) pov~

Now I know that Lukas or actually Norway trust me, I should tell him what i can do or even see. I bet he is ganna think that i'm super weir, but its worth a shot. Yesterday i did  change my cloth,since it got all wet. Lets see if it did dry all even the jacket. Today they day it's ganna rain again, but today i have a concert  so that means that i can't be caring a lot of thinks. The teacher told us that we were ganna be moving from a room to another room, and that we were ganna be caring out own stands and chair. The bad thing is that in the concert is ganna have one part that only me and Roderich  are ganna play alone. The teacher thought that it will be and awesome idea to let both of us play together, it does sound good but what i hate is that when i mess a part he gets mad at me and he doesn't let me play his piano. 

I start to check my uniform, to see if is dry and for my surprise everything was dry except for my skirt. I hate not having my own house cause i need to pay to dry my cloths and wash them, but it will be ridiculous that i just need to dry only one thing and its my uniform, I start to change into my uniform. Either way i need to use the uniform or i will get in trouble with the teacher, and the part of uniform that i need to wear is the skirt, since the orchestra give us shirts that we need to bring to concerts or just for fun in Friday. But the teacher told us to get proper cloths and  change before the concert, what i'm planing to put on is a white dress with white shoes, leaving my hair down. 

I get change and i start to head towards the school, I have to admit i feels horrible to have you skirt wet and more in the cold weather. Our orchestra shirt is dark blue with a big W in our back with some other words, but the W is next to a big violin. In the front of it has a  the schools symbol. 

Almost in the entrance i see Norway and the others, waiting for somebody. I did not stop walking until i heard Dane scream at me "Hey (y/n)!!!" I turn to see them and all have like a 'sorry' look, well all except Norway, since he is the only one that knows that i'm not mad at them. "oh hi guys" i try to keep my cheerful tone, since i'm a bit irritated cause of my skirt and concert.  I look at them again and i see that Norway and Tino are the only ones that notice my fake tone. "Are you mad at us?" Emil ask me but he is doing his cute eyes, like puppy eyes. "no. i'm not mad at you for hiding a secret that is important to you guys, since i'm hiding a big secret too. So don't worry." i smile at them and then start to head to class.

I get to class and sit were i usualy sit, I start to hear foot steps that are heading towards me. I look at where the foot steps come from only to see Norway in front of me. "Is there something wrong (y/n)?" he sounds concern "No. Why?" "well you fake your cheerful tone." "okay... Its because i'm having a lot of things in my head." i say and then look at him, my (e/c) eyes meet with his blue eyes. "Then why don't you let all out by telling me?" Norway ask me, i feel that a small blush comes to my face and my heart starts to accelerate. No i can't fall i love with him, cause the last time i did, that person thought that i was crazy when i show my 'gift'.  "w-well okay..." Fantastic i start to stutter, just what i need.

"What i have in my head is that i have a a concert with Roderich, then my skirt is still wet from yestarday, there is some probably to rain and the concert is ganna be out side, i'm ganna miss some of my clases and then i need to tell you guys something" I look at Norway and his expression change, now he was not emotionless his expression is one of a confuse look. "What is that, that you need to tell us?" That question make me realize what i put my self into, 'sh*t why did i say that?!' i start to panic in my head. "ALL TO YOUR SITS!!" The teacher yell at us, well at least she/he safe me from telling what i can do to Norway.

~~~~~~~time skip to last class brought by Iceland's puffin ~~~~~~

All day long i have been doing fantastic job to keep my secret out, but i don't think that Norway will let that slip out of his mind so easyly. That is ganna be a lot more hard than what i expect to be. I look at the clock and its 3:15 only 2 more minutes and i go to the concert, that is a lot of time. Out teacher told us to read at lest for 15 minutes, so that is what i'm doing. I just got a new book and i have to admit this will help me with what i'm studying in class. 

"Please send all student that are ganna present in the concert, report to the gym. Teacher we give you a list of the students that are going, please check it. " The woman  say in the speaker, the Miss/Mister got out list and start to call us. "Miguel, Carolyn, Lindsay, Lili, Valeria, Francisca, Maryjane,......(y/n)"  It surprise me that i was the last one in the list. All the ones that were called stand up and grab our things, I look at Norway, he is reading a book.... and it's about.....IT'S MY BOOK!!!! What is he doing with my book!? And more important  how did he got my book?! Well it doesn't matter right know.

"Now you know were to go. OUT!" the Miss/mister tell us, 'well it looks like today she is not in a good mood again' i whisper to my self. I heard that to enter to the concert you need to have a ticket, so i grab and envelope that has enough tickets for the guys. I start to walk towards Valeria, i pass Norway and i drop the envelope and keep walking with Vale and her group of friends. 

Not only Orchestra is ganna have a concert, also band, choir and guitar. Miguel is in banda, and so is Carolyn and Lindsay, Lili is advance guitar and she plays electric or the normal one, Valeria is with me she sits next to me, she is really nice, and Francisca and  Maryjane are also with me and Vale. We start to get in our classes (since they are in the same hallway) Band is next to guitar, guitar is in the same class than Orchestra. The Guitar teacher and the Orchestra teacher made kinda a deal and that is that Orchestra will have class until 4 period and Guitar will have 5, 6, and 7 period class. 

~~~~~~~~small time skip :3~~~~~~~~~

"all students that have tickets go to the gym, to see the concert." We hear  the woman in the speaker say, since all of us are nervous  we start to run around the place or just start laughing nervously. Band perform first since its the biggest one in here, then Guitar is going next, from them is choir and then us. We are last since we still have the students that are ganna perform with a partner, Vale is with a pianist and so am i. "can we go and check how many people are here?" i ask  the teacher, she/he looks at me and nods at me 'yes' i smile at her and then look over the curtains  and look at every student and teacher. After a while of trying to spot Norway and the others, but no luck. 

"Next is the Orchestra  and there wonderful pianist!" We hear the man in announcement say and all the students look at each other then get in the stage .

~~~~~~~small time skip again~~~~~~~~~~

Valeria is about to finish her performances, that means that i'm next. I have to admit i do not want to perform, since i'm really nervous  i started to laugh little bit. "(y/n) and Roderich, you are next. Come on!" The director tells us, so i look at Roderich and both of us nod and we get into the stage ready to play our part. 

"are you ready?" a man says, both look at each other and nod 'yes'. We start to get ready to play while the curtains open, we can see all the students and teachers, looking at us. but one cough my eye and it's....  


Finaly finish i have been working in this for 3 days, but i got so abscess with a game that my teacher give us. And i can't stop playing it!

Well today i'm talking with some friend in hangouts! some i'm taking  the time to write!! 




Well bye~

Lili out~

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