Chapter 13: Trying

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I sat on the bed while Ethan took a chair in our bedroom. "You ready?" he asked from across the room. He felt so far away. I wanted him next to me, I needed him next to me.

I nodded. "Ya, let's do it."

Many wolves popped into my brain as Ethan opened up a link. "Alright, everyone here?"

"Ethan, Charlie girl," Levi answered.

"Roger that," Lander added.

"Uncle," Evan chimed in.

"Hey dad," Lyanna added as well.

"Hey sweetie, miss me?"

"Course," she replied.

"Evangeline and Liam?" Levi called out.

"Here uncle," Liam replied.

"Right here! Hey ,Char!"

I smiled a little at the sound of Evangeline's voice. "Hey! Miss me?"

"Course," she scoffed out. "Liam won't let me watch Harrison Ford with him, he gets too jealous." I laughed to myself while Liam growled in annoyance.

"David and Billy, you here?" Levi asked.

"Yap, sorry, just had to bandage up Penelope. Apparently, some girl was flirting with Lyle today and that did not sit well with her."

Lander groaned. "Those damn kids."

"You're telling me," David grumbled.

"Yap, right here," Billy added.

"Ok let's get this going," Levi said, almost annoyed probably because it was getting late and it was around the same time he had his ice cream every evening. "Status reports, David?"

"Well, I am taking a trip to Mangata tomorrow. Billy and I are quote on quote, 'coordinating our training camp.' Real ready to toss you around Charlie," he teased.

I cracked a smile and shook my head. "Better get some of Penelope's bandaids ready then."

"Good," Levi said. "Lander?"

"Pack member's parents landed today. They are in route back here and they're first stop is Levi's office when they get back. Also, the witches confirmed the rocks were done with magic, but they are not sure of the source. They said it's real old. They've sent it to other covens to check out. They also are looking into 'transibo.' They said it could be a few things, but they were not sure."

"Good, keep pushing those old bats brother," Levi added. "So I talked to Derek," he sighed out. "Leo is worried as is Alex, and rightfully so. After looking at that symbol, well, Leo wanted to come down there, but I convinced him to hold off. He understands the sensitivity of the situation, but he's worried that the past is coming back."

"We don't need them down here yet, that will just spook everything," Ethan said.

I nodded in agreement while Levi stirred. "I know Ethan, and Leo knows. He's holding off for now. He's pulling all his records from the investigation last time and emailing them to a dummy account that I had Evan set up for you. Start combing through them and see if there's a match.

"Alex is also bringing Evie and Barrett back, he wants them to come help after you've challenged Thomas. Wouldn't be bad. Those two can get some shit done."

"Did Leo say anything about the rocks?" I rushed out.

"Yap, well, he was stumped, but he's close with an old coven on the east coast. He's sending them to that coven and seeing it through."

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