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Next day sanyu welcomed a peck on her cheek as the morning gift.

Rd: wake up baby mumma
S: ehmm 5 minutes more
Rd: need to take the food proper and meds too.come get up
S: ohk.she tries to get up but for her surprise he lifts her in his arms and walks to the washroom and close the door
She comes out and see the break fast ready.
Rd: let's have it together
S: but I want to spend my time with the family after that I...
Rd: don't spoil.we won't think about that.and he gave her cup of milk
S: chee I'm not bacchi to have this
Rd: you had on our 1st night I didn't see any faces
S: hmm that because
Rd: stop your excuses and have
S:you close your eyes I can't drink while someone is watching
Rd: what theory is that
S: Sanyu 's theory
Rd close his eye and sanyu climb down from the bed without noise to washroom but her plan gets spoiled by rd.
Rd: I'm smarter than you.chup chap gulp this and opened her mouth and poured it. He gives a plate of fruits and bread toast. He too have with her.
He ask her to get ready for work.
S: no rd anything happens to baby because of stress
Rd: nothing when you sit idle you will be clouded with unnecessary thoughts
S: but
Rd: he kept his hand on ear ,with a sigh she went to change to office.

He dropped her and asked to call him when her shift gets over. He will pick her up. Evening they came back all had their dinner and sandhir retired back to room. They went for the check ups and scan. Two months went in light speed.

She enters the 3rd month . One day rd was asking to take the food she just put a piece of roti and then and there she puked all the contents on him. She looked at him with a puppy face and he smiled. Later he asked her to gargle with water,but that too she can't . Her pregnancy hormones started to play.

Whatever she intake its going out at the same time. Rd said bye to her in front of off and to wait for him for the lunch. He asked special permission from her boss. At noon rd came there with a tiffin and he opened that and started feeding her,his love was clearly visible for her and his tries to mask the emotions which were flooding.

A scene from their room. She got up in the middle with vommitting sensation and ran to the bathroom by the noise rd slumber broke. He looked for her and rushed to washroom to see her pale face. He bought her back with him and made her sit on the bed. He went out of the room came back with fresh fruits sliced and kept in front of her. Ran to washroom bought the dust bin .

S: what are you doing
Rd: your seva
S: meaning
Rd: meaning this and put a slice of Apple in her mouth
S: no rd I'll puke it ,i  feel yuck to do that
Rd: you need to take food for both of you.because of vommitting you cant be careless
S: rd...stop..I feel like before she complete she found her hubby holding the bin and asking her to throw up to that.
She did that and hugged him. I'm lucky to have you and our unborn child too.
Rd: if you feel to throw up do in this bin so you don't have to go to washroom all the time. And yes we both are lucky to have each other company.

The months passed and they were sitting in the clinic for their turn. The attendant called them,they leaves. Doc ask rd to wait in her room. Doc does the scan,then the nurse ask rd to come inside,he goes with sweaty hands.

He gets seated on a chair and the doc turn the screen to him and he sees a small structure of baby. The doc points that this your child. See its moving the legs and hands and legs,cute button nose ,eyes,the heart which is beating,the head all those were new for this exchanged couple.( actually when you see that or imagine you get the feel of love toward the baby). They both had tears. They came our hand in hamd like other expecting parents.

Rd took her to the beach at evening for a walk and he caressed her baby bump. They talked and enjoyed then rd pointed to the pani puri wala .come lets have.

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