7. Meetings and War Declarations!

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Hotel Il Pellicano Syrene, Italy.

Patricia Sullivan was not impressed with what she was hearing, not at all.
"Will you care to repeat that again, dear husband? I think I heard you wrong the first time."

"You did not", Sean Sullivan stated in a hard tone. "You won't be accompanying Logan and I to the Romero mansion. I do not want to risk it, darling. Bernard Romero has promised us safe passage for the duration of our meeting but there is still a high chance that things won't go smoothly. I cannot potentially take you to a place, that would prove to be dangerous. I will leave half of our guards here for your protection", he continued.

"I am not going to stay here while you go and meet our granddaughter", she replied, appalled at the very notion. "I don't trust you men enough not to make the whole situation more complex than it already is."

"Careful now, darling. You, out of all should realise that how important this is for our family. If it weren't for Amara, I would have already declared a war on the Romero's." he stated in a hard voice.

"But you can not, Sean. I already explained to you that Amara might be emotionally connected with them as she's been living here for the past six months....they are her family as well, we can't take the chance of hurting her that way. If we do something like that then she won't ever be receptive to our family. "

"And I took your advice into consideration. I did something that I didn't even do for my own son. I sent a letter requesting Bernard Romero for a meeting. But it does not mean that I'm not ready to take any action against them if it comes to it. Our closest allies have already been notified to be ready for any action. One wrong move taken in the Romero estate and they will be on the move." he replied back.

"Exactly! This is why I want to accompany you. You have never see eye to eye with the Romero's, both the families never have ,not since many generations. There is a high chance that something might go wrong with only you men present for the meeting. They will see it as a threat if you go to their home demanding that they hand over a girl whom they have been taking care of for months, to you. My presence will lessen that threat Sean, please why don't you see it? ", she pleaded.

"This is not something that you need to trouble yourself with darling, I promise you that I won't try to instigate Romero if he doesn't try it first . I'll try my best to resolve this peacefully "....it really bothered him to see such a distressed look on her face. Even after almost 30 years after marriage he did not like seeing even a trace of unhappiness on his wife's face.

"Please Sean.....", she whisper, looking him in the eye. Her own clouded with uncertainty and conflict.

Just then they heard someone knock on the door.

"Come in ", Sean called already knowing who it would be.

Logan opened the door of his parents suite and entered inside, sensing that he had walked in on something important. But it was not a time to dwell on it now. Looking straight towards his father he said,
"Everything is prepared father, it's time to leave for the meeting. "

Sean nodded. "Go and wait downstairs for me", he ordered.

Logan glanced at his mother once before walking out.

Both husband and wife stood there quietly for a few minutes, not saying anything. Knowing that he was getting late, Sean walked towards her and hugged her tightly to himself before kissing her softly,

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