22. Disturbing Events

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Logan lerman as Damien Romero.

Not edited, please excuse any grammatical errors!

Thanks alot to IshaBhardwaj6 for the amazing new cover 😘


The next day after the incident, Amara was sitting in the school canteen playing around with the food on her plate dejectedly. Aurora and Andrea who were seated across from her didn't comment on her mood but they kept throwing frequent glances at her.

She glanced over their shoulder to where Allister was sitting along with all the other senior boys. They all were laughing and joking amongst themselves, making Amara glare petulantly at her older cousin, the early morning admonishment from her Nonno still on her mind.

Predictably, he had been quite displeased to hear that she had injured herself for something as insignificant as a frisbee and that she had gone into the woods alone. He had even threatened to put guards around her at all times to prevent such incidents from happening again which had led Amara to plead him against following through with it.

Amara had felt really guilty after talking to him. She could hear from his voice that her Nonno was worried about her, just like he always was whenever he had to leave for his lengthy business trips. Amara already felt bad for making him worry and she was glad that her grandpa Sean didn't know about this.

But that's where Allister had come in. Her diabolic cousin had spoken to her grandma Patricia when she had called the house and told her all about how she had almost gotten lost in the woods which had led to another worried albeit stern conversation.

Amara was brought out from her musings when Serena sat down across from her.

"Hi", Serena muttered in a sullen voice to them while Amara only offered a weak smile in return.

"Is everything alright?", Aurora asked them carefully, causing Serena to glare at her.

"Off course not",she snapped. "My father returned from his business trip yesterday night and he was told about what I did, he wasn't quite happy with it", she said as a way of explanation.

"I received a call from Nonno as well", Amara admitted.

Andrea and Aurora's expressions turned sympathetic at once.

"I'm sure they must not have shouted at you both though, you are lucky. If it were your brothers who had broken some rules then they would have gone hard on them", Andrea tried to cheer them up.

Amara knew what Andrea spoke was true. Her Nonno never raised his voice while addressing her, no matter how displeased he was.

"Where are Sofia and Emma? ", she asked looking around, just realizing that the two girls were missing since the morning.

Their eyes widened slightly at her question,"Uh, you didn't know?", Aurora asked her.

Amara stared at her in bemusement, "Didn't know what?"

"Sofia is around the school somewhere, trying to hide from Valerio while Emma is serving her detention right now", she told them in a hushed tone.

"Why is she hiding from Valerio?", Amara questioned in confusion at the same time as Serena asked, "Detention?".

"Well...it's slightly our fault",Andrea spoke guiltily. "Valerio and Allister caught up with us yesterday, they questioned us about what had happened and we told them how it was Emma's idea and how they both kind of goaded you to join in as well."

Boundजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें