24*. A Hunt Begins

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Present time.
Valentini headquarters, Milan.

Axel stiffened as the Don's words registered in his mind. His heart was beating erratically in his chest, threatening to burst out from the unparalleled fear that was now coursing through his veins.

With his head bowed low and eyes clutched shut tightly, Axel felt his knees tremble from the heavy and tense atmosphere in the office.

That handsome hunk can kill you in a hundred different ways before you even get a chance of opening your mouth to apologise for your ill timed jokes.

Carlos' earlier words resounded loudly in his head. Axel was sure that he was going to be annihilated in the most gruesome way just from the tone of the Don's voice.

"I don't want to die", he moaned internally. He had not meant to interfere in the Don's personal business. Oh! How he wished to go back in time and fix his mistake, tame his curiosity and stop himself from hacking the security system.

"Christ! I promise to never let my curiosity over power me. Please, save me this one time", he pleaded with every fibre of his being.

Just as he was about to fall down on his knees and beg for his life, the Don spoke again.

"Carlos, you have been very busy I see."

Axel's words caught in his throat. Shocked and confused, he peaked up a little and to his great surprise the Don wasn't addressing him but Carlos.

Carlos for his part stayed silent, his head bowed in submission.

"Look up", the Don commanded harshly as he threw a thick folder towards Carlos, which fell at his feet.

Axel chanced a glance sideways to the folder that was fallen on the floor. It was black in colour with a small red mark at the centre making Axel conclude that it was a high level secret file.

"Next time you have any intel, you get me solid evidence Carlos, not half thought out theories and explanations", the Don snarled. "I have read your report thoroughly. Even your witnesses aren't sure of what happened."

"My apologises, Don Valentini -", Carlos began speaking and Axel jumped violently when he was cut off as a bullet was fired past him.

"I don't want any explanations", Don Valentini spat harshly. "You are one of the oldest employee of the Valentini organisation, I'm sure that you are well aware of the significance of what you have tried to prove in that report. It is only your longstanding loyalty that is stopping me from putting a bullet through your head right here, right now."

"I- I'm very close at getting the evidence Don. I beg you to give me another chance", Carlos spoke, and Axel was surprised that even in the face of the Don's wrath Carlos could keep up his emotionless mask.

Silent met his request. This was it. Axel was sure that the Don was going to shoot Carlos for whatever mistake that he had committed.

"A week", came the reply. "Starting from tomorrow, I give you a week to get me any evidence that you think will help you now. At the end of these seven days if you are not able to find any proof that could support your report then you better hide yourself as best as you can if you still desire to live for some more time", the Don warned him.

Axel's eyes widened at the ultimatum. He wondered what Carlos had done. His eyes fell on the folder that was still lying on the ground. Was it something to do with this -

"So.... You are the new prodigy hacker that I've heard so much about", the statement came abruptly, startling Axel. Without even looking up, Axel knew that this time it was him whom was being addressed.

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