23. Confessions and Punishments

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Not edited, please excuse any grammatical errors.

Valentini Estate, Rome.

"Clear out this part of the manor. No one in their right mind is going to try and infiltrate the estate through the backyard. We don't need any security here", Silvano ordered.

"But sir, our chief head of security has ordered us to patrol this part of the compound",the guard said, bowing slightly in apology.

Silvano narrowed his eyes in contemplation, he needed to draw out bigger guns, "I will be sure to inform my brother that his orders are being overridden by that of one of his commander's."

Fear flashed across the faces of the guards present there, before one of them spoke out,"We'll clear out immediately, sir."

Silvano watched passively as the last corridor was also left without the security guards, having already taken care of a few guards stationed near the windows and had a direct view of outside. Valerio's name was enough to seal their mouths shut of any protests that they had. It worked in Silvano's favour that no one would try and double check with Valerio if he had really given those orders.

"I've committed a major security breach for you Damien so it better be important", Silvano muttered in frustration.

Silvano had been surprised to get a call from Damien asking him to meet him. Given the present situation, he couldn't understand what Damien wanted from him. Things were very tensed between their organisations right now, especially after the ambush that the Giovanni's had carried out a few hours ago. An attack which had injured quite a few Riccardi soldier.... and his cousin.

Silvano cringed as his thoughts drifted towards him.

Everyone present in the estate knew that Valerio was in a murderous rage right now. He wanted the Giovanni blood and Silvano knew that nothing short of a miracle would change his mind right now, infact almost all of their allies were calling for a joint war against the Giovanni's for this stunt. But there was one thing stopping them, the Romero's.

Georgio Giovanni maybe a coward, but self preservation was an admirable quality as well. That man had instantly taken shelter behind the Romero's, instead of burning in the fires of the Valentini rage for hurting their heir.

Silvano could only hope that this would sort out without much blood involved. There was a small possibility that negotiations could solve this problem, but it could definitely happen if they willed it or to be specific, if Valerio willed it. His cousin was going to get a major say in the future events and there was very little chances of Valerio demanding anything short of Georgio Giovanni's head on a silver platter.

Silvano checked his watch, impatiently waiting for Damien to show up at the back gate of the manor. He was already late than the time he had given. Silvano would have been worried about him being in danger if he didn't know any better. All the forces were on standby, waiting for orders and none would initiate an attack without one. It was a situation of a complete lock down until either Don Vitiello returned or if a war was officially declared.

Silvano was worried that if Damien was found here by anyone other than him, it would really complicate the matters. "Damien you better show up quickly", he muttered to himself.

Just as he uttered the words, Silvano saw a figure jogging towards him from behind the line of trees.

Silvano waited until Damien was before him before venting out, "Are you fucking crazy? Inspite of knowing what's going on, you still insisted on meeting? If Valerio comes to know about this he's going to skin us alive!"

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