9. Their First meeting

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Romero estate, Italy.

Bernard Romero stood near the large glass window of his office overlooking the preparations that were going on outside. The whole mansion was being decorated for the celebrations that were going to take place tomorrow evening.

He watched as lights were being put up in every corner around the compound. By tomorrow morning the whole estate would glow magnificently. Amongst all the work being down on the estate ground, he could also see his grandchildren running and playing around the small lake, their happy laughter resounding behind them, making him smile softly.

He couldn't believe that almost eight months had passed since Amara had entered their lives. So much had changed since then.

A few months ago if any man would have even dared to utter the name Sullivan around him, he would have had that man's tongue cut out, but things had certainly changed.
Now both the families were connected to each other through a small child, one whom both the families didn't want to give up on.

Two months had passed since the day he had joined hands with Sean Sullivan, agreeing to an alliance that would change the dynamics of both the crime world as well as their own personal lives.

Bernard knew that it had come as a surprise to everyone to see him agree to the deal so quickly. Rickard had even raised questions behind his motives, thinking that he had played some elaborate trick on the Sullivan's. But it was no trick nor did he have any secret agenda behind it. It was a true and sincere alliance. He had not given any explanation to anyone, besides stating clearly that the the time for the Sullivan -Romero fued was over and that they would all have to agree and follow his orders on this matter.

If he was being honest to himself, Bernard knew that the fate of their alliance was sealed the moment Amara had unknowingly walked inside the office. He had seen the happiness that had lit up on her face as she had hugged Patricia Sullivan ,the affectionate way in which the Irish Don looked down at the four year old, the sincerity and resolve in his eyes as he put forth the idea of an alliance for a girl he didn't even know properly.

Yes, Bernard Romero had agreed to put the generations old feud behind him but only for Amara's sake. He didn't want to force the child to chose between them and the Sullivan's.

So far only a handful of their allies knew about the changes that were slowly taking place in both the organisations. After two months of hard negotiations, arguments and fights between the men of both the families, they were finally ready to announce their pact to the whole world.

The following evening was very special not only because it would mark the official beginning of an historic alliance but also because it was Amara's fifth birthday, though the very first that she would celebrate with them.

His train of thought was interrupted when he heard a knock on the door. Frowning he turned away from the sight of his playing grandchildren and called out, " Come in. "

Rickard entered the office along with Tony. "Report everything", he commanded to them.

"Everything is prepared for tomorrow, boss. All the invitations have been sent out and highest security has been arranged for the party, there should be no problems for our guests safety."

"When is the Sullivan family due to arrive?",he asked his son.

"Tomorrow morning, father.They are coming by their own private jet so they should reach here on time without any delays. "

"Good. Make sure that they are given the best accommodations, they are our very important ally now besides I want everything to be perfect for Amara's birthday tomorrow, no problems should arise.", he replied.

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