18. Enigma

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Ellie Fanning as Amara
Just imagine her with amethyst colour eyes ;)

Not edited so please excuse any grammatical errors!


Wolsford Academy, Italy.

It was lunch break time at Wolsford Academy and many of the students were out on the school grounds enjoying the sun smiling down on them today in a show of clement weather.

Valerio sat on the wooden table top of a picnic table on the grounds with his legs bent and sneakers planted firmly on the bench below. He was surrounded by his usual group of friends which mainly consisted of Alexander Bianchi, the twin brothers Klaus and Gino Riccardi and a few other boys all of whom like him were the sons and grandsons of mob boss's meant to lead a life of crime and violence.

Valerio observed the other students keenly. Some of them studied, others cuddled close with their respective partners and some just lounged about enjoying the break. His eyes finally found the one person they were searching for..... Amara Sullivan Romero.

She sat half-hidden under the boughs of a large tree curled against it's trunk. Her long blonde hair like molten golden drifted across her exquisitely beautiful features with the stirring of the breeze. She sat elegantly, her fair skin shimmering wherever the sunlight kissed it, making Valerio's insides clench with an unreasonable flare of jealousy at the injustice of it.

She was almost three years younger than him and yet she completely, absolutely intrigued him to an extent that Valerio's eyes always sought her out even in a crowd of hundreds. She too, was surrounded by her usual flock of friends but instead of taking part in their conversation she was concentrating on reading a rather large book.

Valerio watched her intently, not wanting to miss anything about her. He noticed how she would furrow her brows and bite her lip when she didn't understand any part, she looked so damn adorable to him that he couldn't tear his gaze away from her even if he wanted to.

''Come on look at me once''..... he thought internally as he found himself wanting to look into her beautiful eyes. He wanted her undivided attention on himself, now and forever. And as if she had somehow heard his internal monologue her eyes snapped up to meet his.

Valerio felt his heart skip a beat as she stared at him unflinchingly unlike everyone else who cowered before him .

Her eyes were startlingly beautiful, a colour of purest amethyst, made all the more beautiful because of the many emotions that he could read in them,  almost like an open book for him to read at his leisure .

In a rare lapse of control over his emotions Valerio shot her a tiny wink. He found it hard to control the amused chuckle that was threatening to burst out of him at the sight of her eyes widening like saucers at his action. She quickly looked down at her book, ignoring him, but a few moments later her eyes flickered back to him again.

Propping his elbows on his thighs, Valerio leaned forward and smirked devilishly at her, prompting a lovely red hue to spread over her cheeks rapidly. She huffed and turned a little sideways trying to hide herself against the large tree trunk.

"così adorabile ", he chuckled fondly under his breath at her actions.

"What's got your attention?" Gino asked from his side curiously.

"Niente", Valerio replied back in Italian as he turned towards his friends. Now that he had seen her he could finally concentrate on the conversation going on around him.

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