Author's Note

32.2K 1K 221

Hello everyone!

I know everyone is impatiently waiting for the update and it's coming guys. I am finally done with the chapter and


But before that there are some issues that need to be addressed by me.

1. I know some readers become angry when the updates are slow, BUT you gotta realize guys, I am a human. I have responsibilities, studies and work. It's all exhausting as hell. I can't make compromises on that.

I'm not getting paid to write, DESPITE the offers that have come my way so far from other similar platforms BECAUSE Wattpad is really close to my heart and I can't seem to let go of it.

And those all who complain that I disappear after saying that I won't, well the truth is that I get disheartened by the angry comments or the arguments going on my wall. Imagine coming back to your home only to witness your family arguing amongst themselves. ALL my readers are special to me and it's sad to watch them argue because someone decides to come to my defense or offense.

2. We all as individuals have the right to state our opinions, no matter even if they are formed on wrongful information, misinterpretation or plain idiocy. BUT that does not allow us to drag someone else down. It's cruel and pathetic and totally NOT DONE!

I have worked very hard on BOUND. Each character is a figment of MY imagination. I have tried to keep their dialogues, love, arguments, emotions as close to reality as possible. Their reactions are how I imagine anyone would react if put in the same situation.

If anyone can't see this well, I'm sorry because I'm NOT sorry.

•Any kind of hate will not be tolerated.

•Questioning MY WORK will not be tolerated.

I'm writing this story to enjoy it, and I'm sure you're reading it for the same purpose. Let's all create a positive environment that would benefit all of us.

Please be kind.

And lastly, Thank your for the overwhelming support and love guys. Your support pulls me back every single time.

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