25. An Epiphany and A Challenge

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I'M LATE! SORRY!!!! I had to suffer through a crappy Internet service and what not but don't worry I'm not gonna bore you with my sob story ;)

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter :)

Also it's not edited so please excuse any grammatical errors.

Sullivan Estate, New York.

Amara sighed quietly as she sat on the windowsill overlooking the expansive terrains of the Sullivan Estate. The sky was overcast, grey clouds seemingly threatening rain. But to Amara it seemed as if the weather itself was reflecting her mood — morose and gloomy.

"Are you feeling well today Amara?"

Startled, Amara turned around to see her Aunt Claire walking towards her.

"Yes, Aunt Claire", she replied back obediently even as Claire felt her forehead to take in her temperature.

"Your fever is mostly gone now", Claire said, smiling.

Amara offered a small smile in return before voicing out her question, "Aunt Claire", she began hesitantly,"Is... Is there any news from Italy?"

Claire pursed her lips, "Nothing important", she replied back.

Not for the first time since coming to New York, Amara wondered what was going on back in Italy. It had been almost a week since her stay here and still there was no news about what was happening back there. But Amara wasn't fooled, she knew that everyone was aware about the ongoings and yet it was like an unspoken rule that she wouldn't be told about it.

"Did Allister or Damien call?", she asked. Amara had called the house a few times but she had always gotten the same reply from the servants who answered, that the boys were either busy with some business work or not at home.

Claire hesitated slightly before answering, "No".

It pained Amara to know that they were angry enough to not want to even speak to her. She had not meant to hurt or anger them.

Some of her hurt must have shown on her face because Aunt Claire hurriedly added,"Such negotiations take up alot of time sweetie, every small detail leading to the Riccardi - Giovanni feud is going to analysed before any decision can be taken. It's not an easy task and as the heirs' it is obligatory for both the boys to be present whenever required", she explained.

It did not miss Amara's notice that her aunt had tactfully left out the attack on Valerio and Amara's own impromptu visit to the Valentini estate.

"Off course, you are right", Amara murmured softly but she knew that Aunt Claire wasn't fooled.

Suddenly feeling very claustrophobic under her Aunt's knowing gaze, Amara got up from her place near the window, "I think I saw Caden coming back home. I'll go and see what he is doing, I'm feeling a little lonely here", Amara said before hurriedly leaving the room.

Caden was the only one amongst her three cousins who was at the manor currently. Liam and Cian were in Australia for a brief student exchange program and were not due to come back for another month.

Amara was about to enter the indoor basketball court where she knew Caden would be at this time when she was stopped short at hearing the one person's voice whom she did not expect to be there.

"I can't believe so much happened in such a short time span. I left from Australia as soon as I could."

Amara recognised that voice instantly, "Cian", she whispered. When had he returned home?

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