Chapter 13.

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I make my way to the room she is admitted in by the directions of the receptionist. My legs move as fast they can to reach her, to see her. Isn't it weird how my heart is beating fast and skipped a beat just at the mention of her being in the hospital. My pace becomes slow as soon as my eyes land on the room 352 in front of me. Slowly I reach for the knob of the door and turn it, slightly pushing the door open, trying to be as quiet as possible because I was informed that she is sleeping, and I wouldn't want to wake her up.

Actually, I'm glad that she is sleeping, because in this case she wouldn't ever know that I visited her.

Slowly closing the door behind me I turn around and my eyes land on the figure sleeping on the small hospital bed. My eyes widen when I notice the amount of bruises on her face and hands.

She sleeps with a slight frown on her face which shows that she is indeed in pain. The sickening thought of her going through this much pain wants me to throw up. Because I know these bruises aren't from someone tripping from the stairs. These bruises have been a huge part of my life, I have gone through this pain before when my mother's second husband used to beat me up.

I still remember the time when I was lying on the hospital bed with the same amount of bruises all over me because of his abusing, reaching an excess. But my mother was too in love with that beast to take an action against him and support her own son.

Slowly I make my way towards her bed, my eyes welled up with tears which make my vision cloudy and I try to blink them away. I run my fingers over a bruise on her hand, slowly as my eyes travel to her beautiful face covered with purple and blue marks and bandages. Trying to be as quiet as possible, I sniffle and lean forward, carefuly placing my lips on her forehead. My lips linger on her forehead for a while, not wanting for me to pull back.

The flashbacks of my mother's second husband abusing me, cross my mind again, making a tear escape from my eye which lands on Maire's cheek. I quickly pull away from her and notice her slowly opening her eyes which look at me in confusion and I quickly turn around to hide my tears from her when her soft voice calls out for me, making me wipe my tears and turn around to face her.

"Zayn? Why are you here?" She asks in a soft tone laced with confusion.

"I came here" I say, looking right in her eyes and notice her slightly raise her eyebrows in surprise.

"How did you know I was here?" She asks, slightly wincing in pain as she tries to move on the bed a bit.

"Who did this to you?" I ask her, ignoring her question. She squints her eyes and stares at me as if I grew another head.

"N-no one. My.. shelf fell on me." She says and my jaw clenches as I mockingly nod my head and trail my fingers on the sides of her bed.

Why is she hiding the truth? Who is she trying to save? Does she think I'm that stupid to not understand what's happened to her?

"Who. Did. This. To. You. Maire." I speak softly, but yet in a demanding tone, putting emphasis on each word as the anger inside me boils up, getting me furious as my eyes travel on each and every bruise of her.

"No one! Why are you trying to blame someone else? It was my fault, the book shelf fell on me because I was trying to reach the book on the top portion!" She raises her voice at me, trying to defend but due to her lies my anger gets worse and I close my eyes, taking a deep breath so that I don't do anything stupid which I might regret later.

Opening my eyes, I look at her frightened face and tensed body although she tries her best to hide it.

"First it was that you tripped from the stairs, now it is that a book shelf fell on you. What will be next, until you honestly tell me who put you in this situation?!" No matter how hard I tried to be calm, my voice somehow becomes loud by the end, as not expected.

I notice tears welling up in her eyes as she quickly turns around her face from me and I give out a sigh, my hand slowly reaching out for her chin as I tilt her head back at me but she lowers her eyes, not letting them meet mine.

"Maire, tell me, please?" I beg when a tear slips from her eye and she finally looks up at me.

"Don't do anything stupid when I tell you, please..." she cries and I gesture for her to continue.

There is no way on hell I'm going to agree on this. The person who put her in this condition is going to be made sure that he or she never touches her. And if that person is Harrison, he is as good as dead.

"She saw us.. k-kissing in the forest," she pauses between her sobs. "Then she saw me wearing your clothes, and she.. was really angry at me-"

"Amber." I grit, inhaling and exhaling heavily as my hands ball into fists.

Of course the 'she' Maire is talking about is Amber. There is no one except her who can do this. She is a kind of person who can do anything, cross every limit and put anyone in danger to get whatever she wants. And by her determination which I saw today, to get me, she can do anything to Maire or anyone else who comes in her way.

Her eyes widen a bit as she notices my expressions and before she can say anything, I already make my way towards the door with my body heating up with anger.

"Zayn! Where are you going?" Maire yells from behind, making me stop in my tracks.

Not turning my whole body, I slightly tilt my head to the corner before speaking up. "To make Amber pay the price for hurting the person I care for."

Marching with anger back inside the school hallways, I spot the culprit right at her locker, laughing and smiling with her friends while she put Maire in that pain. How can she be so happy after putting Maire in that condition?

The anger inside me rises up more at the sight in front of me. I rush towards her when in the mean time her friends leave, making her turn around to put her books in the locker, but I get hold of her wrist, harshly turning her around and pinning her against the locker behind.

I heavily breathe, trying my best not to rip her apart as I close my eyes for few seconds to look back at her as she stares back at me with shock and anger.

"What the hell, Zay-"

"SHUT UP!" I yell in her face, making her flinch as she stares at me in horror. I am aware that the students in the surroundings have stopped to watch us but I don't give a shit about it.

"Trust me Amber, I'm only one inch away from ripping your throat." I grit, furiously in her face, noticing the fear in her eyes. "But since you are a fucking girl, I will have to control myse-"

"What...did..I do?" She asks, her voice laced in fear as her big green eyes stare back at me.

"Are you seriously asking me that goddamn question?!" I yell, still pinning her against the locker when I see a tear escape from her eyes.

Is she sure that she has to be the one crying? I don't care if she is crying or getting scared after what she did to Maire.

"You'" She whimpers, looking at her wrist which I'm tightly holding.

"Do you think it didn't hurt when you were recklessly beating her, huh?!" I yell and her eyes suddenly widen as she realizes why I am here.

"I..didn't do anything." She lies confidently, making my blood boil as I hit my hand on the locker beside her in frustration, causing her to jump in fear and break down into sobs.

I lean closer to her, looking in her frightened eyes before speaking through my clenched jaw.

"If I ever see you laying your hands on my girl, trust me, next time I will forget that you are a girl."

I'm so sad :( I was trynna swing on the chandelier (as SIA says) but I could barely reach it, and kept jumping like a frog in the air. Thanks to my height. How tall are you guys?

Thank you so much for the cover above @lanaMalik1993 I love it!! ❤

Vote comments plisssss xx

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