Last Chapter/Epilogue.

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Maire's P.O.V:

Zayn's back is facing me as he stands there with the red haired girl. Her hands are wrapped around his neck as she looks at him with a smile on her face. Her emerald eyes linger on his face before her smile turns into a slight pout.

"You said you will leave her soon, Zayn." A sentence leaves from Amber's mouth which causes my breath to hitch in my throat. My chest rises and falls in a quick speed as I stare at both of them in front of me.

I feel my heart being twisted when I watch her press her lips against his. The ground beneath my feet swipes away. Nothing comes out of my mouth as I quietly stare at both of them in shock. I feel a hard lump in my throat and my vision getting blurry because of the tears in my eyes which I hold back.

I still want to believe what I saw is nothing. I want to believe that this is not true. I want to believe in us. I want to believe that he would never break my trust.

But it's already broken.

The end.

I gasp and notice a tear which falls on the page of the book in my hands. I stare at the words in shock and quickly shut the book close, banging it across my forehead.

"How can the author do this to me?!" I yell to myself when I realize that I'm sitting in a library and the other students glare at me and the librarian quietly laughs at me and motions for me to low down my voice.

I awkwardly apologise to them but once again let out a whine, barely audible this time and get up from my chair, walking over to the librarian with a pout.

"I told you, you would be frustrated in the end of the book, Maire." The librarian of my school, Mrs. Peterson giggles, adjusting her spectacles on the bridge of her nose.

"But the ending was not fair!" I loudly whine, again forgetting that I'm in a library.

"Maire if you don't shut up, I will kick your butt, I swear to God!" One of my history's classmate yells, making me again apologise to the people around as I bite my tongue and gesture to zip my lips.

"I thought it was going to have a happy ending, fairytales are supposed to have happy endings." I whisper, protesting as I stick my lower lip out and hand over the book to Mrs. Peterson who is smiling at me.

"This was a modern fairytale, they don't have happy endings." She says, keeping the book in the shelf behind her.

"Now go, you have to attend a class." She pushes me out of the library despise my protests of not going out. I really want to stay here and read more books, and she knows I can spend my whole day here with my face hidden under a book.

"I will come back. Bye, Mrs. Peterson!" I say, turning around to leave.

"I know you will. Have a nice day, Maire." I hear her say before I head towards the hallways and stand in front of my locker when someone jumps on my back, almost giving me a heart attack as I shriek, trying to run away but the person grabs my hand, pulling me back.

"Maire, why the hell are you running away from me?" I hear my best friend Sharon's voice which somehow calms me knowning that it's only her, and not someone who wants to kill me.

Wait, why would someone want to kill me?


I turn around glaring at her, "why the hell would you scare me like that?" I lightly punch her in the shoulder and she lets out an "Ouch," from her mouth.

"You know I'm so sad, Zayn cheated on Maire." I tell her after a few good minutes of me scolding her for almost giving me a heart attack.

Her eyes widen and I see her getting furious. "Who the fuck cheated on my best friend?!" She yells, fully outraged, causing heads turn to look in our direction. I just shrugg off everyone with an awkward laugh and turn back again to glare at Sharon.

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