Chapter 29.

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Double Update.

"What the fuck is happening here?!" I hear a familiar voice shout from the enterance, causing Niall and I to quickly pull back from each other.

Niall knows who it is, so he barely lifts up his head to see the person. I don't want Niall to engage in any kind of fight right now, so I lean forward, whispering, "Niall, go to the other room. I'll manage it."

"What if he hurts you?" He whispers back.

"He won't, I trust him." I assure Niall.

"But I don't." Niall states.

"Just trust me on this, okay? Now go." I assure him and he gives me a last confirming look and I nod as he walks away.

I turn around to face my furious boyfriend, finding a rose and a box of something in his hand. I watch him crushing the flower in his hands, making me put both of my hands on my face to cover it in frustration.

"I come here to apologize to you, and see you with that stupid leprechaun?!" He aggresively speaks, throwing the rose on the floor.

"I can see how much you trust me, Zayn!" I sarcastically remark, reminding him his words, shaking my head at him.

"Is he the reason you have been getting distant from me?" He asks, his voice full with venom. I feel myself getting hurt and angry by his words. I can't even believe he would think of me doing something like that.

"God! Zayn, are you even in your senses? How can you even accuse me of that?"

"Is it wrong?" He glares at me and I watch him in shock.

"It's total rubbish!" I raise my voice.

"But I saw you with my own eyes, you were hugging him!" He argues.

"I wasn't kissing him!" I point out, aggression taking over me as I throw my hands in the air.

"I don't know it might even happen or it could've already happened!" His words hit me like a bullet. His trust on me was shattered, just like my heart with his accusations. It hurts me to know he doesn't believe in me. He would see anything and start assuming things on his own and jump to stupid conclusions without even hearing out things properly.

"You know what Zayn, I'm out of here. I'm done with your attitude." I say, gathering my things and walk out of the clinic, into the pouring rain. Heavy droplets of water are cascading down my face and hair, making me curse under my breath.

"Why the hell didn't I take the umbrella?!" I scold myself, continuing to walk in the cold, without my umbrella and coat as I begin to shiver. I still decide against it to go inside and grab my coat. I don't want to go back in there and encounter with Zayn again.

I feel a firm grip on my wrist, quickly turning me over as I hit against someone. Zayn's other hand finds it's way on my waist, as he holds me close to him.

"Where do you think you're going like this in this freezing weather?!" He scolds me, while I try to pry away from his grip. He tightens his grip on my waist, bringing me closer to him, our faces inches apart.

"I'm going away from you!" I scream in anger since the sound of heavy rain and the honking of cars is the only thing that can be heard on this road.

Drops of water cascade down his hair, falling on his beautiful face as I watch them drop on his knitted eyebrows and scowled face. If I wasn't angry at him, I would be kissing him like those romantic movies in the rain.

"Don't walk away from your problems instead of solving them, Maire. You always do that!"

"What am I supposed to do when you aren't believing me?!"

"Make me believe you. Convince me. Try to fight back instead of being a coward!"

"But what's the point of it when you don't trust me?" I fight back in the middle of the road.

"I do trust you!" He raises his voice.

"Yeah, I can see that, Zayn." I sarcastically say, trying to get away from his arms but he doesn't budge not even a little.

He purses his lips together before cursing under his breath, as he takes a deep breathe, closing his eyes for a second before opening them to look into my eyes. "What was happening inside?" He tries to ask in a calm tone.

"Are you sure you want to listen to me and not make conclusions from your own?" I say, ironically.

"Stop being sassy with me when I'm trying to be calm." He scolds me.

"Are you sure you're not bipolar?" I ask him.

"Yes, Maire, I'm sure I'm not bipolar." He says, calmly.

"Then why have you been acting like this since yesterday?" I ask him. He slowly lowers his head, his eyes not looking into mine anymore. I don't know if he is hanging his head in shame or trying to hide something. "Zayn," I call out for him.

"It was my sister's death anniversary yesterday and today is my Dad's..." he mutters, with his head still lower. The furious expression from my face eases when I hear him speak out. I lift up his head with my fingers to find his eyes glossy. I know he is fighting back his tears.

"I love you," I say, placing both of my hands on his cheeks. I'm still mad at him for his behaviour but atleast he has a justification for that. He's not like this all the time. "And I was comforting Niall because he lost his mother few days ago, he was crying and I couldn't see that." I explain and watch his expressions turning into guilt.

His mouth agapes as he stares at me with widen eyes. "Oh God, I'm such an asshole. I'm so sorry, Maire!" He exclaims.

I stay quiet and stare at him. He really looks guilty. I can see that in his eyes. "Let me be bitchy for once in my life and not forgive you that easily. Am I allowed to do that?" I ask him, pouting my lips as I watch the corners of his lips slightly tilting up. And trust me, it made mine too as much as I didn't want them to be.

"By the look on your face and knowning you, you already have forgiven me. But as I was a total asshole to you since yesterday, so you're allowed to be bitchy towards me." He says, not being able to hide his smile anymore.

"You have to work on that appology," I say, and he leans forward, making me scoot away as I look up at him with knitted eyebrows. "What are you doing?" I ask him.

"Trying to be romantic and kiss my girlfriend in the rain." He smiles and I roll my eyes playfully, pulling out of his grip as he stares at me with his mouth open.

"My name is 'No', my number is 'No', my answer is 'No' as well. You're still not forgiven, so no kisses for you, Malik." I say, turning my back on him with a smirk on my face as I walk back inside the clinic, leaving Zayn shocked and groaning behind me.


Double update as promised. :)

PLEASE PRAY FOR ME THAT I STAY ALIVE TOMORROW. I'm so scared. I have not completed two of my assignments, the deadline is of tomorrow. And haven't studied for the test as well. I'm so dead. 😱😵😭😭😭

#RIP me. I'd be waiting for y'all on my funeral. ✌

Please leave your votes and comments on both of the chapters. It'll make me happy.

Keep smiling cause I'm about to be dead. Love y'all and Gigi Hadid's "boyfriend" a lot. ❤

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