26: Dirty Work

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The week flies by fast.  Last time I checked it was only Wednesday.  And now it's Friday.  I checked my watch and resume taking calls and sending emails for Adam.  I blow out a sigh.  It's twelve thirty.  I can't deny the rumble in my stomach. 

I finish up taking the last call and sending the last email and text Ian.  I haven't seen him in a while and I'm starting to miss him.  Even though I'll see him again this weekend. 

Me: Hey do you wanna go out and get lunch?

Ian doesn't take long to respond back because before I knew it, my phone chirped with a notification.

Ian: I thought you'd never ask ;).  Let me finish up my project real quick. 

Me: Ok.  I'll even pick you up. 

Ian: Sweet! I must be getting a real treat ;)

Ian: Is picking me up around one ok?

Me: Of course!

Ian: Awesome.  I'll send you my work address.

Me: K

Ian texts me his work address and I save it into Google Maps.  While I waited, I kept thinking about when I went shopping with Adam.  He bought me a whole ton of stuff that I didn't need.  He bought so much stuff that I don't have enough room in my closet for them.  We did all kinds of shopping, clothes, shoes, bathing suit, and jewelry.  I'm just glad we didn't go underwear shopping.

My phone rings and I just sit there watching it. I'm tired of answering calls for Mr. Smith because all of these people are so pushy. But I looked closer at the ID caller and almost had a heart attack. It was Adam himself and I was just here letting it ring.

I quickly pick the phone up before it stopped ringing and hold it up to my ear.

"Yes, Mr. Smith?" I ask, remembering what he said about how he was Mr. Smith at work.

"What took you so long to pick up?" He starts. But he doesn't give me time to answer. "You know what, never mind. I want you to to file these papers that I just printed out and I need you to -"

"Um sir, how many papers are there?" I ask, watching the time.


"Because I have somewhere to be at one." I reply.

"Like where?" Why does he need to know all my information? He's so damn nosy.

I look at the time that reads 12:45 and I frown. "A date." I flatly say.

"Ms. Ennis, you're at work. Now until you have all your work done, that's when you can go on your silly dates or do whatever it is that you do. But in the meantime, as far as I know, you've got some work to do. Now I want you in my office to file some papers now." He utters.

I roll my eyes and resisted the urge to groan. "Yes sir." And with that I hang up the phone.

I grab my phone and text Ian that I'm going to have to cancel our lunch date.

Ian: Aw why?

Me: Because my boss wants to keep me busy (-_-)

Ian: Ugh that's a bummer. I was looking forward to our date.

Me: Same. Maybe I can fit in this weekend?

Ian: Maybe if my boss won't keep me busy.

Before I could respond back to Ian's text, Mr. Smith opens his door and glares at me. 

"What's taking you so long?"  He asks. 

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