Epilogue-3: Wedding Day-Pt.2

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Elizabeth's POV:

"I still can't believe that you're getting married to our boss." Jess says as we're in the limo on our way to the Brooklyn Botanic Garden.

"Right?  Like wasn't he into that model girlfriend of his?  Uh what was her name again?"  Taylor attempts to recall.

I was hoping that neither of them remembered because I certainly wasn't going to bring that name into existence on my wedding day.

"I definitely didn't expect things to go like this either."  I half grin, trying to keep my nerves down.

"You did a good job though, like if he was single..." Natalie makes a face, "I wouldn't know how to behave."

"Aren't you like seventeen?"  Jess questions, cocking her head.

Natalie shrugs, "age is just a number."

"Well I'm happy for the two of you.  Before you came along, he was such a grumpy man and was rude half the time at work.  But now that you've entered his life, he's been happier."  Stella mentions with a smile that reaches up to her eyes.

"I just can't believe that my baby is finally getting married after all these years of singledom."  My mom perks.

I roll my eyes at her statement, "again mom, I just turned twenty-one."

"Exactly, so y'all better be popping babies right afterwards because the sooner the better.  I want my grandkids now."

"Mom..." I roll my eyes again but this time couldn't help but laugh it off.

Adam's POV:

Nothing could prepare me for this moment.  I've always longed to get married, but it was usually at the bottom of my priority list.  However, when I started to feel strongly towards Elizabeth, somehow marriage jumped to the top.  

Sitting down in the front row waiting on the women is just giving me nerves.  I almost resorted to  impulsively checking my watch until my father gave me a look. 

"It's okay to be nervous, but don't let it show."  He says with a tone that I couldn't distinguish between stern or soothing.  But he was right.  I can't let it show.  Just stay calm, cool, and collected.  

To keep myself occupied for the time being, I glance around at the audience to see who is all here.  Distant relatives from my side of the family are seated to the left, quietly chatting amongst themselves and relatives of Elizabeth's family are seated on the right, quietly chatting as well.  Her family is significantly smaller than mine however.  Most of my family either flew from Italy or drove cross-country just to get here.  As my eyes continue to wander around the room, my eyes land on Ian.  We both make eye contact and it probably couldn't get any more awkward than this.  It is still strange, marrying my brother's ex-girlfriend.  But then I look over to his reunited girlfriend sitting next to him and sigh.  

As soon as I was starting to become impatient, the priest gave me a notion that I can stand up and take my place at the alter.  All my life, I have never been nervous.  My father taught me confidence and to never appear weak.  But today, I have never felt so nervous and so vulnerable.  And to think that I was raised to be tough.  

The soft strokes of the orchestra begin to play as I look and notice the bridesmaids and groomsmen walking down the aisle in pairs.  All of my groomsmen are old friends of mine from school.  But Vince is my best man as he stands right next to me.  Everyone waltzed pair by pair until there weren't anymore bridesmaids and groomsmen.  There was a minute pause, and in that moment, my heart felt like it stopped.  And then I saw her. 

My heart picked its pace up again as I watched her glowing self making her way down the aisle.  Her eyes met up with mine and in that moment, there would be no place I rather be.  We held our gazes until she finally met up with me as our hands make contact.  It wasn't until that moment that I realized that my hands are clammy.  But as I continue to gaze into her stormy blue eyes, everything about me calms down.  My heart slows down, my breathing normalizes, and I am no longer nervous.  She is my calm.  

We grin at each other as we repeat our vows to each other and seal the deal with an "I do."  The priest allows us to kiss as the audience stands up in applaud.  

The rest of the night was very eventful.  I stuck to Elizabeth's side when it came to all of the dancing and left her when it came to her friends.  We said a lot of "thank you" in response to people congratulating us.  

"Wow," I heard someone say.  I turn and see that Vince is standing right next to me with a champagne glass in his hand.  "I can't believe that you are the first to get married out of all of us."  

I crack a smile as I watch Elizabeth effortlessly dance with her friends on the floor.  "Yeah, are you jealous?"

"Hell yeah man, you knew I was supposed to go first.  I proposed first!"  He jokes as he lightly nudges my arm.  "You stole my thunder."

"Yeah well, sorry not sorry."  

"Anyways, congrats bro."  

"Thanks.  You're next."

"Of course!  Anyways, gotta find my lady in waiting."  He sings as he makes a beeline to his fiancé. 

I was about to make my way over to Elizabeth, but I felt a firm hand on my shoulder.  I turn around alarmed, but only to find that it's just my father.  

"Well, you did it son."  He says, glancing down at me.  

Although I know what he is talking about, I rather beat it out of him and play clueless for a second.  "Did what?"

He stares up for a moment, then meets me in the eyes.  "Everything.  You successfully took over my business, finally matured out of that Vianna girl, and married a more wholesome woman right over there.  You did it.  I am proud of you Adam.  You came a long way."  

I have been waiting my whole life just to hear those words that my father is proud of me.  Just hearing those words makes my night a hundred times better.  It makes me want to push even harder with the business and work on myself even more to give Elizabeth all the happiness in the world.

"Thank you."  I say, making sure I show no emotion in my tone so he would not think I seem weak. 

"Yep."  He says with a pat on my shoulder as he strolls off.  

The rest of the night couldn't get any more perfect than it is.  Everything is finally falling into the right place.  This is the life that I am proud to be in, proud to own a successful business and proud to be the husband of the most amazing woman in the universe.  


Author's Note: Hey wow, I cant believe that I finally finished this novel!  I am so sorry for the VERY delated epilogue.  This will be the last epilogue.  I thought about writing about their future with kids, but decided it'd be too much.  But I CANNOT thank you all enough for being my faithful readers throughout this journey.  I cant believe that it's been about 3 years since I started writing this story, maybe even 4 years.  You guys have been amazing throughout, always spreading positivity and without you guys, I wouldn't have even finished the story :) I am forever thankful to ya'll.  

I love you so much, and be on the lookout, I will be posting more stories as I am now coming back from my long vacation from here.  Thank you all again for your patience towards me! 


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