57: The Red Dress

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The whole week flew by pretty fast.  Work with Adam was busy as usual.  He had me completing all of these tasks and arranging meetings and things like that.  We even had a budget meeting on Friday which was just how I would love to end my week. 

But all in all, Adam and I didn't really talk except when he was assigning me things to do.  And I'm fine with that at this point.  I tried talking to him, but he's just being a dick and ignoring me.  When he's ready to talk, then he knows where to find me. 

Anyways, it's Saturday morning and I remembered that this is the day where Ian wants to take me to his family's dinner party.  And I'm not sure how I should feel about this.  Will his family hate me?  What will I do when I see Adam?  Well I certainly know that I won't be the one talking to him when it comes down to it. 

I walk into the living room where I find Carly watching some James Bond movie.  I plop down next to her wondering what she's doing.

"Hey."  I mumble, trying to take a glance at her phone screen without seeming nosy. 

She puts her phone down, "Hey.  So how'd it go last night?" 

I shrug.  "The game was good.  But he didn't even pay any attention to it at all." 

"Yeah I saw that.  He was like on his phone right?"  She says. 

I nod my head.  "Yep.  But tonight he's taking me to his family's dinner thing." 

"Oh really?  That should be fun."  She mumbles unenthusiastically. 

I probably shouldn't do what I'm about to do.  But I just feel bad for Carly.  While I'm out and about going on dates and things like that, she has nothing to do but stay here.  The only friends she's made so far was me and my office friends. 

"Would you like to come with us?"  I offer, deep in thought about how Ian would react about this idea. 

Her eyes go bright as her posture perks up.  "Really?  You would let me do that?  Wait, what about Ian?" 

I shrug.  "I'm pretty sure Ian would be fine with it." 

Carly leans in and gives me a tight bear hug.  "Thank you so much.  When will he be picking us up?"

"He told me five last night."  I answer, checking my phone just for safe measures. 

"What should I wear?  How would his family react to him bringing two girls home?"  She worries as she furrows her brows together. 

"Don't worry.  I'm sure you'll be fine.  And if you'd like, I can help pick out an outfit for you."  I offer. 

"You'd do that for me?"  She asks, her round eyes looking at me. 

I nod my head.  "Of course.  It's what friends are for." 

"Awe thank you so much!"  She grins ruefully.

"No problem.  C'mon, let's find you something to wear right now."  I say, turning the tv off and getting up off the couch. 

"Okay."  She pipes up. 

"Where's your suitcase?"  I ask, looking around my surroundings. 

"I put it in the hall closet."  She answers, walking over to it. 

I open it and found her suitcase and bring it to my room. 

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