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Two slightly awkward days had passed for Isabella, Hunter had tried to start conversations about the previous night but whenever he did, Isabella would quickly shut him down telling him that she didn't want to talk about it even though part of her was dying to tell him everything so that he could understand why she was so scared and jumpy around him. Isabella wanted to tell him so that he could understand how she felt even though it was so hard to say it, to get them words out.

Despite this everything seemed good, there were some strange looks from other pack members who hadn't been properly introduced to Isabella and some whispering behind her back but it was nothing that hadn't happened before and this time there was a huge difference of these whispers were about who Isabella was unlike back in her old pack as they would make up rumours about it, whisper about where she had got the most recent black eye or about the fact that nobody wanted her there - it wasn't like she wanted to be there either.

One thing that Isabella had noticed was that now she was doing nothing all day she was more tired than ever. It was her choice to stay in bed until 8am every morning(which was a lie in for her) and then because of her role within the pack she had not duties to do so she ate and slept yet she found herself wanting to have naps throughout the day. Maybe it was just because she knew she could, there would be no one storming in to pull her off of the bed by her hair screaming at her to wake up like she has experienced in the beginning when she wasn't used to the tough work schedule. It could also be because she had no work to do, when she had something to do she didn't have time to think about being tired because that would slow her down and just like falling asleep, being too slow would also get you a punishment, it could also simply just be because of the fact that the bed she shared with Hunter (The one she seemed to spend most of her time on) was so damn comfortable and inviting.

Isabella had woken up that morning to the soft humming of Hunter in the shower, every now and again he would sing along to a line of a song that was playing through the speakers in the bathroom. Lying completely still, Isabella had curled up into a ball to listen unable to stop the small smile on her face from growing - she could get used to waking up like this. This was certainly the case when Hunter had gotten out of the shower in nothing but a towel hanging dangerously low around his waist; shaking her head she made herself forget the thoughts she was having about him and the thoughts about the shower they had shared... well the good parts anyway.

They had both gone for breakfast and then Hunter had pressed a light kiss on Isabella's head before disappearing into his office to get some pack work done. There had been a large circle of people surrounding her instantly after the Alpha had moved wanting to know more about her but she still didn't feel totally comfortable around so many wide eyes wanting to know every inch of her life particularly when she couldn't even talk to her beloved mate yet.

Feel the high level of uncomfortableness and panic radiating from the kitchen/dining room area Hunter had reappeared, he placed a guiding hand on Isabella's elbow to lead her upstairs with his other hand clutching a laptop. Once they had left the room they could both hear everyone erupting into excited giggles as they all thought they knew what their Alpha had removed his mate for when it couldn't be further from the truth. It was true that even omega wolves were constantly wanting to be with each other as soon as they met their mate - this was just heightened the higher up the pack you got (And boy was Hunter feeling it!) because the need for little pups was more important for future Betas and Alphas.

"I knew you didn't want to be in there so I thought I would get you out" he smiles lovingly down at his beautiful doe-eyed mate 

"Thank you, I promise I'll get better" Isabella smiles back although her cheeks burn a bright red colour

"You don't need too... you're Luna" he adds comfortingly 

"Exactly," Isabella says with a small laugh to which Hunter adds his large deep one before leaning over to kiss her gently, although he was cautious with her before because of how she acted he was much more gentle now because he knew something had actually happened and she wasn't just nervous of her own accord.

As much as he wanted to carry on he pulled away with a small groan "I need to do work" he sighs before closing eyes for a second to calm down

"Oh yeah... of course, you go get your work done" Isabella rushes feeling her cheeks warm up even more than ever - did he just turn me down? She thought to herself but she just quickly walked over to the bed to sit on it 

"Well I brought this up for you to keep you entertained, I will see you soon princess," he says after calming down before rushing out of the room so he doesn't stay with her when he is meant to be doing work.

Curling up under the covers Isabella put on Netflix to watch a movie but it wasn't long before she had fell into a deep slumber.


Disorientated and eyes still full of sleep Isabella shot out of bed, the open curtains revealed the sun had not long set and there was a lilac tint in the sky. For a moment she had forgotten what had made her wake up so suddenly but a small sniff of the air revealed to her what she had feared. It was something she prayed she would never have to experience again, people she prayed she would never have to experience again but yet here they were in her home... the home she can come to love already at the thought of them never contaminating it.

Isabella's bubble had burst, like a sharp needle they had come bursting through to pop it, any shred of happiness for the short time she had been her seemed to melt out of her - mostly through the tears streaming down her face that she hadn't even noticed that were there.

Pulling herself together (As much as she could) Isabella blew her nose and splashed cold water onto her face to try to mask the fact that she had been crying but she could already feel herself on the edge, one some touch and she would go flying off into a mess of tears and screaming yet putting her head high and shoulders back she opened the what seemed to be a much heavier door than before because she, of course, didn't want to go but she did, Isabella left the bedroom to go downstairs where she knew her old Alpha and brothers were waiting.








(A/N: First off all I need to say I'm so sorry that it's taken me so long to update but I have been swamped with work for College but on a more positive note I am so glad that my hard work is paying off and you are loving this book! When I started the first couple of chapters I wasn't sure it was really going anywhere but now I have so many ideas in my head that I want to do.

I wanted to give some of you the chance to discuss some ideas with me about where the book is heading - I know some people would hate this so it won't be for everyone but if you got to this part of the Authours note and want to discuss with me what I could do for the next chapter then write the word 'IMAGINATION' I think it would be fun to involve the readers and you would be given full credit at the top of the page - I could also discuss future ideas with you

Oppositely if this isn't for you but you want to be involved comment the word 'HAIRSPRAY' On each chapter - I will pick out 3 people for each chapter - You can simply leave your name or a comment and I will put it in the following chapter!

I hope this can get you guys more involved and be some sort of thank you for reading & a sorry for my lame attempts are keeping on top of trying to update the story! :D)

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