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A/N Just wanted to let everyone know that I have another account recently created named 'Vampirestoriesxo' that are obviously based mainly on Vampires instead of werewolves - go check it out

Lay in bed together, skin to skin the next morning Isabella had her head on Hunter's chest looking up at him watching his long, dark eyelashes, she was sure she was finding herself falling in love with him even more every single day - even more than she thought it was possible.

"How was your meeting.. thing with the Alpha?" Isabella asks trailing her fingers over Hunter's naked chest but before she can take another breath Hunter has flipped them over so he is leaning over her body, their sweaty limbs entangled with each other he leans down and kisses Isabella letting his hand wonder all over her body but she quickly comes back to her senses and places her hand on his chest to push him away.

"Whoa cowboy, stop trying to change the subject!" Isabella exclaims almost wishing she didn't need to know the information because she could've happily have carried on... the whole night had been perfect with him.

"I'm actually a werewolf not a cowboy" Hunter teases kissing Isabella again to try and get her mind off of the topic but she once again pushes him away again shaking her head

"Spill" she simply say, he stays leaning over her body with a frustrated groan. Isabella wraps and arm around his side allowing there to be more skin to skin with him.

"I've warned all the Alpha's about Finn and what to do if they saw him..." Hunter starts but quickly interrupts him

"Not to kill him!" Isabella says but Hunter places his fingers on her lips

"You're way too nice for your own good" he says kissing the tip of her nose "No, thought I'd leave that job for me when I hunt the bastard down" he grins excitedly

"What have I told you?" Isabella asks with a sigh

"No more Mister nice guy, I always want to do whatever I need to do to make you happy and I know you don't want me to kill him but enough is enough. Not only had he hurt you but he has now hurt Leila" he says holding up his hand to say end of discussion on the matter

"So you've found him?" Isabella asks trying to move on with topic

"Will you stop asking questions" Hunter grins once again kissing her before carrying on "The Alpha who came to see me is pretty sure he's spotted him coming in and out of an abandoned shack in the woods near his section of land that he cares for - textbook evil guy" Hunter says rolling his eyes and even in the bad situation Isabella finds herself laughing slightly

"So now what?" Isabella asks unable to not ask questions

"I've sent some of my guys to be in that area 24/7 in shifts to confirm this information and then we'll take it from there" he explains kissing her once more, she would never get bored of receiving kisses from him.

"So what's the plan?" Isabella questions leaning on her arms

"There isn't one yet, we need to confirm the info" he explains but the look on Isabella's face confirms that she doesn't believe it "Well we have a couple of different ideas but we need to find out all the information before we decide what to do"


Despite continually asking for new information everyday for 5 weeks Hunter was still saying there was nothing to tell, Finn was only going to the shack at the most, once a week and they were still watching him. Isabella thought this was ridiculous at first because Leila might be in there but soon Hunter admitted that they had looked in the shack from the outside but hadn't infiltrated because although Finn had been going in there they couldn't rely on the fact that it was safe and stable. Despite this within the next couple of weeks Hunter was confident that they would be confronting him soon as they were following him back to multiple locations each time he had been to the shack and a somewhat pattern was forming but Leila had still not been seen.

For the past two weeks Isabella had been going to see the Doctor every other day because he weight continued to drop, she still believed in herself that there was nothing wrong, she didn't feel weak and frail like they were trying to tell her.

Being sick had become a regular occurrence every time she ate and although she had never forced herself to be sick, it was now something she thought about it so much that before she knew it was having to rush off to be sick. Isabella knew she wasn't ill... she couldn't explain it but never told anyone - she felt ashamed like people would judge her for something she couldn't control. Despite this there were new side effects coming into play, she had started feeling very dizzy and faint but passed it off as nothing important.

How do you explain to anyone who has never gone through something like that? Isabella knew they wouldn't understand, they'd think she was weak and that just wouldn't do for the future Luna. Isabella was still under the idea that she had control of the illness not that the illness had control of her so there was no need to tell anyone.

Hunter didn't even think anything was wrong, although he could see Isabella loosing a scary amount of weight, he watched her eat, he made sure she ate so he couldn't see what the issue was. Not to mention, Isabella had become very much the distraction and stress reliever to Hunter, he had never seen her with so much confidence, she was constantly always all over him and he loved it!

Something that had become a regular occurrence had been eating breakfast in bed, if Hunter was in a rush they would eat together then he would get dressed extremely quick and leave to go and do whatever he had to do or if he was able to stay in bed she would take the dishes down to the kitchen, at first Hunter tried to tell her someone would come and get them but after much demanding that she wanted to clean them away herself he stopped telling her. On the way back she would use the toilet downstairs before brushing her teeth and heading back up, it was like she had a totally different life that she was living around everyone else and they had no idea. 

One morning they had eaten and when Isabella had tried to get up to take the dishes downstairs he had pulled her back into bed telling her he had a completely empty morning so they could spend it together. Easily pulled into the delicious trap that was Hunter, Isabella was soon half naked under the covers of the bed when she felt an all too familiar acidic taste rising up her throat, pushing Hunter away with all her might she rolled out from under him and ran into their on suite bathroom to be sick.

Hunter followed instantly to hold her hair back and rub her back until she was done, when she was he held out his arms for her to walk into he hugged her before pulling away when he'd felt her stop shaking.

"Lets get dressed and pay a visit to the doctor" he says with a comforting but nervous smile

"I'm fine" Isabella said waving Hunter off but when she tried to take another step away from him her knees buckled causing her to crumble to the floor, Hunter caught her instantly and carried into the bedroom where he put one of his softest t-shirts over her body and pulled on some sweatpants before carrying her to the hospital wing.

He rushed in and was given immediate attention of course, the Doctor who had been dealing with Isabella the whole time was luckily on shift and rushed straight over. The ashen look on Isabella's face told everyone she wasn't okay, she was also shivering which was the total opposite of how a werewolf should be, Hunter climbed onto the bed with Isabella against his naked chest so that he could keep her warm while allowing the Doctor to do what he needed to do.

The warning the doctor kept giving to Isabella about admitting her into the hospital full time entered her head, this was where she was heading and she knew it. Isabella was always a small, thin girl but now she simply seemed skin and bone.

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