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Isabella had been supplied with a number of different things from Hunter to keep her entertained but for the most part she slept throughout the days apart from when she had to eat.  Isabella had never felt so low and helpless in her life, despite everything she had gone through she had always been able to find a small glimmer of hope but now she didn't even feel like she had the energy to breath. There had been no advancements on Isabella's eating, every single meal she found herself being sick afterwards and the doctors had no idea why, they of course thought she had been doing it to herself but after seeing that she made no attempts to do it but was sick anyway they had prodded and poked her to find out what was wrong but came up with nothing. They had eventually hooked her up to a number of different machines meaning she needed help to just untangle from them all to get up and go to the toilet which made her morale even lower.

Hunter had been watching his beloved mate deteriorate right in front of him, there was nothing that he did that could help and he only had one idea left. Although convinced it wouldn't work like everything else it was Hunter's final hope and if this didn't bring something out in Isabella then Hunter was terrified that he would be saying goodbye to the love of his life as she was going to die.


Hunter walked into his room that he shared with Isabella, since she had been sent to the hospital he hadn't slept in their room, he had either been asleep in the chair beside Isabella's bed or in a spare room at the other side of the castle, he couldn't bare to be in that bed without her beside him, he couldn't bare not to wake up and spend minutes or even hours staring at her face with her blushed cheeks, long, fluttering eyelashes or hearing her little words as she slept.

"Oii, where are you?" Hunter whispered out angrily into the empty room, he didn't want anyone else hearing him, they would think he had finally lost it without being with Isabella - there was already talk of it


"Are you really going to make this harder?" Hunter groaned rolling his eyes before starting to look around the room in every single place that a small, ginger cat could be hiding.

Since coming to the castle it was no secret that Isabella had spent barely any time with Tobias, she always made it her job to feed him and make sure he was cared for but without even knowing what their relationship had been like before, Hunter knew that Tobias had been emotionally neglected from Isabella and it was his fault for taking all her attention.

"Gotcha!" Hunter grinned, proud of himself when he finally spotted the slightly moody looking cat, it wasn't until Hunter realised that he was lay on his stomach on the floor just for the sake of a cat!

"C'mon then?" Hunter ordered trying to reach to Tobias who quickly moved back, deeper under the bed making it harder for Hunter to reach him.

Sucking his stomach in to make himself as small as possible, Hunter pushed himself further under the bed to try and reach Tobias. Praying that nobody walked into the room, Hunter tried to make another grab at the cat who swiftly moved further back...

"Are you mocking me?!" Hunter growled more determined than ever to get the cat

"Of course I'm not, I'm a cat" Hunter heard making him jump so high of the ground that he hit his head on the base of the bed

"What the..."

"What the hell are you doing? Get out from under the bed" the voice said

Hunter quickly slid out from under the bed to be face with a grinning Jackson who looked extremely proud of himself

"Dick" Hunter said unable to keep the small smile off of his face, a rare thing recently.

"I'm not the one talking to the cat" Jackson shrugged using his finger to make a circle next to his temple to say Hunter was crazy

"It's for Isabella, I was hoping it would make her better" Hunter shrugged clearing the lump from in his throat, Jackson was the only person that Hunter had told about everything - not because he was his beta but also because he was Hunter's best friend and the person he trusted most in the world, other than Isabella of course.

"Clearly you need to be at one with the cat... that's what I'm here for" Jackson said, the smirk never leaving his face, Hunter leaned against the chest of draws and watched as Jackson slid himself under the bed, this was only going to go one way.

*1 hour later*

"Shit... that cats good" Jackson wheezed, collapsing onto the bed, almost every single piece of furniture had been pulled out of place as Jackson and Hunter had tried to catch Tobias.

"Told you" Hunter said like a child as he fell onto the bed beside him

Both men looked to the side of the room and at the top of the wardrobe was Tobias who was lay down half asleep like it was a normal day.

"Are you mocking me?!" Jackson yelled jokingly like Hunter had said earlier

"Right... cat.." Hunter started before Tobias sent a sharp 'meow' at him "Sorry, right... Tobias, Isabella is ill and I really think you would make her feel better so if you would come down from there and let me take you to her" Hunter explained while Jackson stifled a laugh "What?" Hunter asked resting his head back down from exhaustion

"You're bargaining with a cat!" Jackson spluttered but he quickly fell silent when Tobias jumped down from the top of the wardrobe with ease and sat himself down on top of Hunter's chest

"I did it!" Hunter exclaimed with wide eyes while Jackson was stunned silent

"You bargained with a cat!" Jackson laughed shaking his head

"C'mon!" Hunter laughed picking up Tobias like he could break at any second, he didn't want to accidently hurt the cat then it run off again

"You became one with the cat, well done" Jackson smirked following his best friend and Alpha

"I also begged a fur ball... I mean Tobias" Hunter squirmed at the cat glared up at him, he was impressed at how much the cat was growing on him - still a working progress


Like usual, when Hunter walked into the hospital room Isabella was asleep, he had a trail of Doctor's and Nurses following him shouting at him that he couldn't 'take that in there' but ignoring them he gently pushed on Isabella's shoulder to wake her up which she eventually did.

"Look whose here to see you" Hunter whispered sliding Tobias next to her, Isabella's big eyes slightly opened and instantly had a small spark in them, it was only little but it gave Hunter hope

"I'm sorry for being so bad to you Tobias" she croaked sitting up quickly, Tobias tried to be grumpy with her but within seconds he was cuddling up beside her like he hadn't seen her in a thousand years.

"Thank you" Isabella says with a  weak smile, Hunter only manages to smile back at her as he tries to get rid of the lump in his throat

The door bursts open and Jackson runs in with a serious look on his face making Isabella jump, not wanting to scare her with whatever the clearly bad news was, Hunter stepped outside just as Jackson reached him, Hunter pulled him to the side to make it harder for Isabella to see them out the window of her private room.

"We're pretty sure we've found him and your sister" Jackson said clearly, very out of breath

"Lets go" Hunter says trying to walk away but Jackson pulls him back

"No, you stay here with Isabella - I'll take a small group of the best to deal with him" Jackson explains, Hunter trusted him completely and knew he would do his best to capture Finn and save his sister.

"Okay, keep me updated all the way" Hunter nods , Jackson doesn't even reply before turning on his heel and running out, Hunter felt hopeless but he knew he needed to stay with his mate and try to come up with a good explanation as to what was going on.

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