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Amazing cover made by @BloodyToni Go check her out!

It isn't confirmed for Isabella that it's him by seeing him, it is Hunter who tightens his hold on her hand.


"No" He growls, Isabella feels the colour drain from her face but she still has the common sense to squeeze his hand back to remind him she's here, not with him and he needs to keep his cool.

"Hey bro, come sit" Leila grins only managing to take her eyes off of her mate for a couple of seconds before returning to look at him lovingly 

"He. Is. Not. Your. Mate" Hunter yells before storming over to the table, dragging Isabella with him.

"What do you mean?" she says a look of confusion shooting across her face

"I suggest you sit down, wouldn't want anyone finding out that you're a werewolf" he whispers the last word but the smirk on his face tells everyone that he would love nothing more

Hunter turns his back on the couple at the table, it is clear that one party loves the other much more and Isabella actually felt bad for Leila, no matter what someone does they don't deserve to be played by their own mate which was what was clearly happening here. After taking a couple deep breath Hunter looks into Isabella's eyes with still darker eyes than usual

"You go wait in the car, I won't be here long" he smiles shakily, it's almost as fake as the one Isabella just gave

"No, I can wait it out and I need to make sure you don't do anything stupid" she whispers reaching out to run the pad of her thumb against his cheek. If she had done that under normal circumstances he might have growled happily but it just managed to calm him down. Hunter, himself knew that it was best to keep Isabella by his side so he could make sure that Finn and his brothers hadn't planned a surprise attack and he knew she kept him calm even at the worst times which was good in this environment.

"Any time it gets too much you tell me," Hunter says with raised eyebrows, he sighs slightly happier when she nods to confirm she will

They walk over to the table and sit down, they are rigid and tense whereas the couple across from them are slumped in their seats and all over each other, It's hard for Isabella and Hunter how Leila can't see that Finn isn't really interested in her but sometimes people are blinded from the truth when they really love their mate even if it doesn't go both ways.

"Right well here I am and I don't approve," Hunter says putting his hands into fists 

"You're just not happy that I'm happy" Leila replies shaking her head 

"I'd love to be happy but that won't happen with him, he is using you," Hunter says leaning closer to his sister

"You know nothing about James," she says smiling lovingly over at him

Isabella's jaw drops. James?

"Leila, his name is Finn. His brother is the Alpha to my old pack... Finn is a horrible man who is completely dangerous, you need to get away" Isabella warns with sad eyes, she knew the bad things he could do and as much as she disliked Leila nobody should have to deal with the likes of Finn; he really is a monster if one should ever exist.

"James is Rogue and has been for a number of years. His old pack kicked him out unfairly after his mother and father died in a tragic fire. We've only known each other a short time but he told me everything, why would he lie about that? Why would you lie about that?" she says, the hurt clear in narrowed eyes 

"You spin a good tale James" Hunter spits barely able to say his 'name'

"I don't know what you have against me sir but I am innocent to these lies,too" he says with innocent looking eyes but when Leila looks away from him to her brother shaking her head the smirk on Finn's face comes back

"I'm going to kill you" Hunter growls, a couple people look around but he is so angry he doesn't even notice 

"Calm down Hunter" Isabella mutters placing a hand onto one of his thighs, that along with hearing his name fall from her tongue instantly does make him feel calmer but he is too angry for it to work fully

"Yes Hunter calm down, I already told you - we don't want anyone here to find out about our 'condition'" Finn says raising his eyebrows not taking the chance to say werewolf as there is a waitress a couple of feet away "And we wouldn't want you stripped of your title for me and you sister to have to take over" he smirks licking his lips

Hunter's eyes widen with fear, it has clicked that all this time Finn has been using his sister to get a reaction out of him - that's why they wanted to meet here where there are such harsh rules because one wrong move and the title would automatically fall to Leila and her mate which is what he wanted, he would be werewolf king and there would be nothing Hunter or Isabella could do about it.

Leila's eyes also widen with fear, this wasn't the plan - she didn't want to be Queen, she was happy with her princess role, she fit it well. All Leila had ever wanted to do was to find her mate and settle down happily away from the shadow of her brother. Leila was very misunderstood, she had created an image for herself where she went against all the rules, she had told everyone she didn't want a mate because she knew this would get people talking and give her attention because it was against the ordinary but really this was all she wanted, not a fancy crown and a title but once Leila had started with the role she found it harder and harder to drop it after every lie, insult and bad action happened so she continued to do it. Even Leila knew that was rightfully her brothers but wanting to stick by her mate she smothered the fear like a flame so she could seem confident in what her mate was saying.

"We're leaving," Hunter said grabbing Isabella's hand, he led her out to the car and told her to get in, he left Jackson with her before he walked back into the restaurant. Despite Isabella trying to scramble out the car Jackson stopped her.

"He said I had to stop you at all costs, the best thing you can do is get in and put your belt on," Jackson says with his second sympathetic smile of the day, Isabella could also see that whatever Hunter was doing, Jackson felt that it was stupid


Isabella heard a scream and looking in the direction of the restaurant she noticed that Hunter had thrown Leila over his should and was carrying her to the car at a fast pace

"Jackson start the car, Isabella move" Hunter growled at the kicking in his stomach, his harsh tone had made Isabella physically flinch but Jackson was so used to it he just nodded and ran to the drivers side 

Crawling into the car, Isabella buckled up her seatbelt before pearing out of the window where Finn was now running out of the restaurant after the car but just as he was, Hunter had slammed the door shut and Jackson had set off. 

Now came the battle of keeping Leila calm not to mention Isabella knew she would have to tell Leila and Hunter things from her past that she swore to herself never to talk about again.

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