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Isabella had looked through her new wardrobe that she didn't even know she had, there had been too many dresses to count for her to make her way through but she didn't want to look too flashy. Some of the dresses were for balls, floor length ball gowns that Isabella still couldn't grasp were hers - well she couldn't believe anything here was hers but they were.

In the end, she had chosen a white, almost off the should dress that looked quite plain but there was black, lace detailing at the bottom that gave it a beautiful, intricate touch that Isabella loved and though it was very much like her, she came across as plain but there was something about her that made Hunter love her. Isabella put it with some black pumps which were also very plain but Isabella didn't particularly like to stand out so this outfit was perfect.

Despite Isabella think she looked on the plain side when she came across Hunter his jaw dropped open, he was at a loss for words which made her blush incredibly hard making her wish that the floor would just open up and eat her.

"You look... Amazing" is all Hunter manages to say

"Thank you" she giggles still feeling incredibly awkward. Isabella couldn't help giggling like a school girl when she looked at Hunter in his suit, she also had a few choice words she wanted to say to him but it might not have been appropriate - where had this girl come from?


When they had finally parked up outside the restaurant there was an uneasy feeling in Isabella's stomach she couldn't decide why she was feeling like that. It could be the days events because Isabella had been thinking about it all day and maybe now it was just catching up with her? I could be because they were on ground that no pack owned, in every country, there was at least on area that no one could own so if there were disagreements it could settled in one of these areas without fear of being ambushed

For somewhere that was so free of werewolves, there were many werewolf rules put in place by Hunter's ancestors such as no physical fighting could take place in these areas, it would be run by humans so it was a fully functioning town which was one of the reasons why there were so many rule -

A) Werewolves didn't actually want to hurt humans - they wouldn't purposely protect them unless there was reason to do so but they didn't want to kill a human for no reason so by having a human town there had to be no fighting so no innocents died 

B) The biggest rule of being a werewolf was not to expose yourself to humans so by having a human town that had no one who owned it no werewolves could fight because that would expose them - punishments for this is unspeakable, it hasn't happened in so long many people don't know what would happen.

It was almost a rule that all this land was owned by Hunter and his family even though it was technically unowned by anyone but the difference was that if Hunter did anything in this land that exposed him to the humans for example then he could be stripped of his title whereas if he exposed himself to a human on werewolf land because he was royalty it could be fixed without another word - this wasn't the case with normal werewolves, even on their territory if they told a human without good reason they would be punished. This was why it was so important that whatever happened at this dinner, Hunter had to keep his cool no matter what Leila or her mate said, it was another main reason why Isabella decided to go to the meeting, she knew she was the only person who could keep him calm.

"Remember," Isabella said getting ready to tell Hunter yet again that he had to keep his cool

"Not to let the humans know" he says in a monotonous voice, not only had he heard this from Isabella numerous times on the what seemed like forever journey but he had, had it drummed into him by his mother and father as he was growing up even though he didn't visit land like this until he was 19 as it was rarely needed or used.

"Yes" she smiles, they both take a deep breath before the door is opened and they take a step out.

As they walk to the door everything is okay, Hunter had his hand wrapped around Isabella's for comfort at the scenarios he is creating in his head that could happen tonight. It isn't until the door to the restaurant is opened that a smell that fills Isabella's nose that makes her stop in her tracks like she has just walked into a brick wall.

"Shit" Jackson mutters under his breath as he has to stop suddenly too behind Isabella as he nearly walks right into her


In the air, there are smells of amazing foods that usually would leave Isabella drooling at the thought of eating all she could but now they were just making her feel queasy along with that familiar smell that Hunter and Jackson had already forgotten but she never would. 

"Isabella?" Hunter says in a worried tone, he notices the worry etched on Isabella's face but doesn't know why, Isabella didn't live anywhere near here so it was extremely unlikely that she would've visited.

'Stop being stupid' Isabella told herself before snapping out of her trance like state

"Are you okay?" Hunter asks apprehensively

"Fine" Isabella lies with a over dramatic smile but Hunter is too happy to see her with some sort of smile on her face to notice how fake it is, Isabella catches Jackson narrowing his eyes at her but she just shrugs at him and follows Hunter into the building even though she had a familiar feeling of wanting to run away.

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