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Isabella listening to the recording, again and again, feeling the worst she could've possibly ever felt, she already knew before listening to it that she was being selfish but she was so blinded by anger and upset about not having a say in the option that, that feeling had been masked but the second she started that recorder she knew her feelings were about to change and she was right.

Feeling terrible, all Isabella wanted to do was go and find Hunter but at the same time, she couldn't get her body to move for a long time so she was left replaying the recording again and again.

Eventually, Isabella was able to swing her legs out of the bed, only dressed in a hospital gown, Isabella leaves the hospital wing of the pack house and goes in search of Hunter. Along the way, pack members can't help but try and speak to Isabella to tell her how happy they are that she is okay, despite wanting to be polite, Isabella had to shrug them off as quickly as possible so she can get to Hunter.

"What the hell are you doing out of bed?" Jackson sighs when he spots Isabella wondering aimlessly around the pack house, he takes in the way she is dressed and shakes his head knowing that Hunter won't be happy

"You could just tell me where he is so less people have to see me like... this" Isabella grins pointing at herself 

"Office," he says with a slight smile "I've decided I'm going to change my name" he adds quickly making her turn back around from the direction she was heading in

"Huh?" she asks raising her eyebrows in confusion

"Cupid, I'm going to change my name to Cupid - gonna get myself a bow and arrow and go shooting people to make them fall in love" he grins to which Isabella bursts out laughing at 

"Okay... Cupid" she laughs before leaving him stood there with a big grin on his face 


Isabella knocks on Hunter's office door, she wanted to do things by the book - not because she was worried that he was having a meeting but she didn't want to give him another excuse to be angry at her and if she had just burst into the room he could've been pissed with her.

"Come in" shouts that familiar voice, gruff with annoyance

When Isabella first walks in Hunter has an annoyed look on his face to match his voice but it melts away when he sees who is at the door.

"Isabella you should be in bed" Hunter replies standing up but before he can step towards Isabella she runs up to him and launches herself at him to kiss him. Despite her small frame the shock nearly knocks Hunter off of his feet.

Slumping down into his chair with Isabella on his lap, he clutches her face in his large hands while she reaches down and pulls off his shirt. Hunter moves his hands from Isabella's face to touch every inch of her body, the lack of this form of contact had been driving Hunter insane but he'd never experience it quite like this before.

Luckily, Hunter comes to his senses and pulls away from Isabella who looks crestfallen.

"Isa-bella" Hunter starts breathlessly "We need to stop" he replies sucking in as much air as he can while trying to not have physical contact as he knew he would loose control 

"We don't need to stop, I don't want to stop" Isabella replies with the highest level of confidence she'd ever had despite her legs feeling like jelly 

"Me either but not now and certainly not here - I want it to be special Bella, not just because we've had a fight" Hunter replies with a sigh 

"I guess so" Isabella shrugs, she really did feel ready - she understood how much they both loved each other and finalising the mating process seemed like the right thing to do but she knew he was right.

"Tonight" is the only thing Hunter says while Isabella raises her eyebrows 

"If you really think you're ready Isabella: Tonight..." he winks 

"I'm ready" she whispers nervously 

"Go to our room, pick out some clothes for a couple of days - go back to the hospital wing and see the Doctor, make sure everything is okay for you to go on a little break then stay there until I pick you up at 8. I want to make sure you're not going to collapse on me" he grins but he, himself looks nervous 

"And put this on" Hunter quickly adds after Isabella stands up, he picks up his t-shirt that Isabella had taken off and throws it to her

"A t-shirt is more covering that a hospital gown... I think I need words with them Doctors" Hunter says more to himself 

"I don't plan to be in there often so you have nothing to worry about" Isabella grins, she couldn't believe how confident she felt but she with planning on taking advantage as long as she could 

"No, you'd better never put me through that again" he sighs walking over to pull Isabella into his chest to hug her 

"I won't" he simply replies taking in his calming scent 

"Tonight baby" he grins before pushing her softly out the door

"Trying to get rid of me Mr. Alpha?" she grins 

"I have a lot to plan for" he smirks before pressing one last kiss to Isabella's lips before closing the door

It was as if not being in the presence of Hunter all of the confidence left her body and she couldn't believe she had actually agreed to go away with Hunter for that one sole purpose of mating with him. Yet despite this, Isabella found herself doing exactly as Hunter has asked her to do.

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