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Hunter hadn't been kidding when he had said three meals a day would be eaten and Isabella would never eat them three meals alone. The first day Hunter had got breakfast to be brought up to the room and since Isabella had been hungry it had felt really nice to spend some quality time with Hunter had seemed refreshed and in a great mood, not wanting to ruin by talking about Chelsea she hadn't deciding she could do it later. They were feeding each other fresh fruit and it seemed like a scene out of a disgustingly cute, romantic movie and Isabella felt in heaven, Hunter was also showering her with affection and love which she would never complain about.

When lunch rolled around, Hunter and Isabella had sat down to eat some pasta together but not 5 minutes in someone rushed in that Isabella had never seen before saying there was an issue that needed discussing, even Isabella could see that it was urgent but Hunter looked unsure whether he should leave, he kept glancing back at Isabella.

"Go - I'm not a child" Isabella says taking a forkful of pasta to show that she was eating, this could be a huge favour to her if he had to go because she really hadn't been feeling too hungry. Hunter failed to remember (even if he didn't know the extent of it) that she had been mistreated back at her old pack - if they had physically abused her, he must know that she wouldn't have eaten much -

Still not totally trusting Isabella to eat enough on her own he called Jackson to come in and watch her much to Isabella's dismay.

"If there is an urgent matter to discuss do you not think Jackson is needed?" Isabella asks like it was the most stupidest thing to have Jackson babysitting her which she felt it was

"It's a meeting with an Alpha from a pack near by - he had requested and audience with me. I'll tell you both about it later" he explains sliding his chair out. Hunter gives Jackson a bro hug no doubt telling him why he was needed through his mind link in which they could communicate before coming over to Isabella to press a sweet kiss on her forehead, he lingered there a couple seconds longer than expected just taking in her scent that always calmed him down and brought him right back down to earth again then with that, he had gone.

Jackson sat down where Hunter had just been before picking up Hunter's fork and starting to eat, Isabella wasn't sure whether this was a mind game to get her to eat or he just genuinely was hungry, he say her looking at him with a smile on her face before he shrugged

"I'm a growing boy" he winks carrying on eating while Isabella laughs at him, barely even picking at her own food.

Once Jackson had finished his food he was eyeing up Isabella's food - that boy never stopped.

"Take it" Isabella grins pushing over the barely touched bowl, at first his eyes lit up but then as if remembering why he was there is pushed it back towards her.

"Under strict instructions from boss man" he says with a mock salute

"He makes everything a battle" Isabella sighs not even able to look at the bowl, she felt sick at the thought of eating any more. Her stomach was just way smaller than most werewolves, she could understand that it was hard to grasp - werewolves wasted a lot of energy through training, shifting and body heat but Isabella didn't train, she hadn't shifted she didn't remember when and she always felt cold so she despite the small stomach she really didn't need as much food as they did.

"He just cares, Hunter's just trying to deal with the enemy he can see. With him and the Leila situation its like trying to catch smoke - almost impossible because he's so god damn good at hiding but this..." Jackson explains pointing to the food ".. He can help you fight easily"

It made sense but Isabella just shook her head angrily "Food isn't a fight"

"You don't see how frail you actually are Izzy, we do - Hunter does and he's just trying to help" it warmed Isabella's heart to hear Jackson call her Izzy, she was starting to really fit in here with new friends

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