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Isabella woke up with a start, she wasn't sure where she was and the bright white surroundings were making her already pounding head hurt even more. Everything she knew felt like some sort of dream so she wasn't sure what was real but the tingles enclosing her body let her known one thing for sure, Hunter was holding her in his arms.

Tingles since meeting Hunter had become a normal and expected thing for both of them but Isabella couldn't help but notice they had become stronger since waking up but she had put it down to being unconscious for however long she had been. Isabella had been drifting in and out the whole time she has been unconscious, although she couldn't move a muscle or make a sound she could hear things before slipping back into complete darkness  - it had felt like a life time had passed.

Stretching out her limbs Isabella had an uncomfortable feeling on her neck, something wet and sticky that made her skin crawl. Reaching out to place her fingers against her neck she cringes before pulling them quickly away again to reveal the tips of her fingers covered in her own red blood.

Jumping up with such force left Isabella's head pounding and spinning - how she didn't pass out she will never know and she couldn't understand why it hadn't woken up a still deeply sleeping Hunter but after a quick glance back to make sure he was actually still breathing she continued to the bathroom that was attached to the room, well Isabella hoped it was the bathroom.

Luckily it was the bathroom and as if a switch went off in Isabella's head she realised how much she needed the toilet so the inspection of her neck would have to wait. As she was sat there a drop of blood fell from her neck to her stomach onto her night gown which made her panic, she jumped up from the toilet and ran to the mirror, there, in front of her eyes were teeth marks... she'd been marked - he'd marked her and she was furious.

Before she could even take another step a shooting pain shot it's way through Isabella's stomach and when she looked down the small speck of blood on her night gown began to grow and spread like she had been... shot


"Good, I want him to come after us" said the familiar, menacing voice of Finn. This was it, this was how she was going to die, alone without anyone who loved her - Without Hunter.

The ringing of the gun filled everyone's ears as the bullet sliced through the air at an unstoppable rate - it was only slowed as it came into contact with Isabella's body. It went through her body leaving a hole , tearing its way through her muscles, shattering a rib and letting blood go in places it should not.

Isabella's mouth opened to scream but it would not come, it was as if all the breath in her body had disappeared out of the hole created by the bullet that was still travelling through her body until it eventually left out of another hole in her back.

"Bella.... Isabella!"


"Isabella?!" shouted that oh so familiar voice, she felt a shaking of her shoulders but she was still in a dream world, transported back to that day whenever it was when Finn had attempted to take her life yet again.

Coming back to her senses, Isabella noticed she was stood rigid in the middle of the bathroom with Hunter's hands placed on either arm shaking Isabella to get her to realise where she was. Tears were also streaming down her face, she was breathless and her voice was hoarse.

"I was there... he was there and.." remembering what she had seen before she gasped before pulling aggressively away from Hunter to look down at her stomach but there was nothing but the same small speck of blood from earlier.

"But... there was" Isabella explains narrowing her eyes

"It was just a flashback Isabella, you're safe now... you're with me" Hunter explains pulling Isabella back into his arms for a bear hug.

For a moment, Isabella feels safe but then she continues to remember what happened before her 'Flashback' before ripping away from Hunter again to touch her neck, she pulls it away and an even smaller amount of blood is left on her fingers as the wound is healing.

"You marked me?" she accuses even though she already knows the answer

"I had too, you might not have got better - we tried different things but they weren't working" Hunter explains with hurt in his eyes

"You knew that it was important to me! I wanted to do it properly, romantically" Isabella whispers her lip quivering

"ROMANTIC? Do you want to know what my idea of romance is? Loving someone who is alive which you might not have been had I not marked you" Hunter yells angrily but with hurt in his eyes which he quickly hides away

"But you've always given me a choice and you took this choice away from me - one of the most important choices I have and I wasn't able to make it" Isabella sighs, she knew she was being selfish because he was only trying to save her life but she had grown used to making these choices - she never wanted to have it taken away from her again and yet it had even by someone who loved her.

"You know what? Next time I'll just leave you to die then" Hunter yells before leaving the bathroom, Isabella only knew where he had gone when she heard the glass door of the hospital room slam shut. It was only then that Isabella moved back into the room and climbed on her bed with mixed emotions.

The door flung open and Isabella was hopeful that Hunter had come back but it only revealed Jackson who looked amused but bewildered.

"What is going on? I though Hunter would be happy as larry for weeks on end but yet he's stomping about there with a right face on him" Jackson says with a slight smile which quickly disappears when he notices the look on Isabella's face

"He marked me, I couldn't even give my consent and yet he marked me" Isabella explains with her lip quivering again, she was almost certain that Jackson would already know of what Hunter had done but she told him anyway because she trusted him with her problems

"He did that because..." Jackson starts but Isabella interrupt him

"I know, I know - he didn't know if I'd wake up without it but.. Oh I don't know it just wasn't what I expected to happen now I've met Hunter" Isabella shrugs feeling like a child but she just couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal away.

"I don't know whether I am Psychic or you two are predictable but..." Jackson sighs while Isabella watches him cross the room. He opens the draw beside the bed that Isabella was sat on and pulls out a recorder.

"You recorded..." Isabella was lost for words

"Bloody good job too isn't it" Jackson shrugs with the grin back on his face while he presses play

"I don't know if you can hear me or not in there..."

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