8. Ready?

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"Marhaba, habibti!" Greeted Tom, looking over his shades as Sarah opened the door.

She squealed and jumped into his arms. "I'm so happy you're here!"

"I have that effect on people," he replied, entering Sarah's apartment. Rooster came and jumped on him. "And apparently, on dogs too."

She closed the door. "Welcome!"

Tom threw himself into one of the couches. "Seriously, this heat! Why do people stay here during the Summer?"

"Because some of us have to work," Sarah headed to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator door. "Dinner will be ready soon. Do you want something to drink?"

"Iced water, please."

Sarah came back with a glass for each one y sat on the same couch as Tom.

He took a big sip and set the glass on the coffee table. "So? How's the training going? Have you met Prince Perfect?"

Sarah rolled her eyes. "My training is fine and no, I haven't met him yet. He must be in London or something like that."

Tom pouted and took the shades off. "Who is coming to your birthday dinner tomorrow?"

"Um, just the usual," she replied nonchalantly from the other end of the couch. "Us, Erin, Abby and Josh, and Nate. He'll be back from Kuwait tomorrow morning."

"You know what we should do after your birthday dinner?"



She pointed at Tom. "Oh my God! Yes! I call dibs on Living on a Prayer!"

"Argh!" He complained wrinkling his face. "Only because it is your birthday!"

"We'll make a duet!" Sarah suggested.

"Perfect!" Tom winked and blew her a kiss.

After finishing their dinner, Sarah and Tom sat on the living room rug to watch My Best Friend's Wedding for the one hundredth time, as they both believed that romantic comedies from the nineties were the best.

"You know, I've been thinking about marriage lately..." Tom confessed when the movie was almost over.

Sarah looked at him bugged-eyed. "What? Who are you? And what did you do to my friend?"

He slapped her arm. "Seriously!"

"And?" She inquired, raising her eyebrows.

"You know how people always have reasons as to why they don't believe in marriage, or why they don't want to do it; because they don't want the commitment or the pressure, because they're not ready, because they come from a broken home and they don't want to go through that again, because they don't want to lose their freedom... Anyways, the list goes on and on," he paused and took a deep breath. "But now I think that if the right person comes along, then nothing else is going to matter, and even the most skeptical would throw all the excuses out the window and say I do."

Sarah's shock slowly turned into a grin. "I can't believe I'm getting this from my cynical soulmate."

"So now, when somebody asks me if I ever want to get married, my answer is: if and when the right person shows up." Tom finalized proudly.

"Can I be your best man?"

He rolled his eyes. "Duh!"

Sarah leaned closer, kissed him on the cheek and turned to see the TV. It was the scene where Julia Robert's character gave the speech at the wedding. "Here it comes..." she sighed.

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