18. Stories

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Sarah sat on the passenger side, crossed her arms and looked out the car window. Instead of heading to the main gate, Hamdan drove to the back of his residence.

"Would you please relax?" He requested.

"I am relaxed," she lied. "I'm trying to see a gazelle."

Hamdan hit the brakes abruptly, making her head tilt forward.

"Look! There's a baby gazelle over there!" He said, pointing out his window.

"Where?" She asked leaning in closer to his side.

"Over there, don't you see it?"

She supported her hands on the center console separating their seats, her upper body between Hamdan and the steering wheel. She squinted her eyes but could not get a glimpse of the alleged baby gazelle.

"I don't see anything!"

Hamdan's silence made it dawned on her.

"There's nothing there, is it?" She guessed.

"Nope," he replied, planting a kiss on her cheek.

She moved back to her seat trying to suppress her smile. Hamdan held her hand, interlocking their fingers, stroking her thumb with his own. She looked at him sideways and he had a smirk on his handsome face. Being with him in the car, holding hands like that, it almost felt normal, it almost felt like things between them could work out. She did not say it when he asked her, but of course she trusted him, whatever other feelings she was developing for him were still unclear to her, but she was positive about the trust. The kindness in his heart was something that irradiated from his stunning eyes, she was sure that Hamdan would never deliberately hurt her or put her at any risk.

The car stopped at a gate - a bit smaller than the main one - that opened promptly for them. They were leaving the property.

Where are we going?

Hamdan drove into a road winding through the sand, there were no buildings or houses around, the only lights were the ones coming from the car. After a few minutes of driving in comfortable silence they met what seemed to be the back of a big complex. Palm trees and green grass resurfaced when they reached a second gate and Hamdan flickered on the high beam lights, flashing the blue logo on the security booth.

"I know where we are!" She exclaimed.

Hamdan nodded at the security guard as they crossed the gate. "See? Nothing to be afraid of. I promised I would show it to you someday; today seemed right. Welcome to NAS Sports."

"I'm curious to see what's so special about it that makes you spend so much time here."

Hamdan parked the car in front of a curvy building with only windows all along, across from it was a perfectly green soccer field surrounded by a tartan track. She was about to open her door when she saw Hamdan hurrying up in front of the car to open it for her.

Flowers, poems and chivalry. Where did this guy come from?

As they walked towards the main entrance, the automatic door opened and they walked into the all white interior, a massive fish tank with what seemed like hundreds of orange and blue fishes, providing a warm welcome. Marbled floors and blue hidden neon lights accentuating the curvy features on the inside. The building had two floors but the entrance had a double height ceiling with a skylight that made Sarah think about how bright everything must've looked in daylight.

"So, is this your gym?" She wondered.

"Well, it's not only a gym. Me and the guys get together here to watch games, hang out, drink coffee," he elaborated, pointing at the left.

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