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"Well... that was weird." Iya said as we walked away from the small crowd that had gathered. She glanced over her shoulder warily.

You got that right. I thought, looking back as well.

"Seriously," Josh replied. He glanced at me. "Is she always like that?"

I shrugged, nodding. Basically, I thought.

"Yuck," Iya interrupted. "Why do y'all even like her?"

I stared at her with a questioning look on my face. "Why do they even like her?" she corrected, shaking her head.

I shrugged, but Josh interrupted me. "Hey! Guys, look!" he exclaimed. We turned to see him staring at a poster. Mid-Winter's Formal,it read. I sighed. Mid-Winter's Formal was basically like an early prom, only without a queen or king, and only freshman were prohibited to go. I had never been to one before; no one had ever asked me.

"Iya, we should go!" he smiled at us, his eyes bright.

"Together?" Iya sneered.

Josh frowned, and stared at her as he shook his head. "No, with someone else, of course," He glanced at me and smiled. "It's only a week from today. C'mon, y'all! We should go!"

"A week," Iya shrieked. "That's hardly enough time to get a dress!"

Josh gave her a look. "Iya, a week is more than enough time to get a dress you don't need."

She placed a hand on her hips. "I wasn't just talking about me. Danny needs one too!" my eyes widened as they glanced at me. I shook my head, my mouth pressed in a firm line.

Apparently Josh liked the idea, because he smiled. "Yea, Danny! You could come too."

I kept shaking my head. I would get killed if I showed up at a dance with Josh. I was probably in huge trouble for what he did, and Destiny blamed it on me.

Iya loved the idea of it too. "C'mon, Danny," She whined, "Please? We can go dress shopping this weekend."

I shook my head again.

Iya smiled. "Good, then it's settled. We're going shopping this weekend. Bye!" she waved and started down the hallway. I gave Josh a confused look and he shrugged.

"Let's get to class." He suggested. I nodded, scampering after him as he began down the hallway towards first period. With one hand in his pocket and the other holding his binder, he slowed just enough for me to catch up to him. He slid into his seat and I followed him.

"Yea, ya gotta love her. She's a little much sometimes, but she's really sweet at others. Levi's somethin' else, too." he scoffed, leaning back in his seat and slightly shaking his head.

You're a virgin, right? My wolf interrupted.

Shocked, I replied, I'm sorry, what?

Well, I just-I mean, you know what I mean-but, I've heard a lotta talk. Are ya?

I sighed, leaning my head on my hand and rested my elbow on the table. Yea, I am.

Why do you say that like you regret it? You're beautiful, Danny. I don't understand how these guys keep their hands off of you. At the end he growled, though. Not that I want them to.

Well, I don't know. I'm just like any other girl when it comes to these types of things, but I can wait and save it for my husband-uh, when I get one.

That's a nice way to see it. I wish more of these girls would think like that. Goodness.



Can you please tell me who you-

So, are ya goin' to the dance? He interrupted suddenly.

I sighed irritably in my head. I don't want to, but Iya and Josh are making me. Apparently we're going dress shopping this weekend.

Sounds fun. He said sarcastically. Well, I'm definitely goin'. Maybe you can figure me out then.

Oh, really? How am I supposed to do that?

I'll be wearing black; the color of my coat.

Because that narrows it down.

I can't just hand you my identity on a plate. I wish I could, but I can't.

I 'hmphed' and crossed my arms over my chest, and leaned back in my seat. Josh chuckled, rolling his eyes. I stared at him for a while, questioning him with my eyes, but he only flashed a grin at me. I couldn't help but smile back until the teacher interrupted me.

"Joshua," he said, claiming Josh's attention as he approached our desk, "I don't know what year you were on in your old school, but we are on The Civil War currently. I hope you don't mind, but we will be watching 'Gettysburg' today."

Josh nodded. "Well, I think we were on the Civil Rights movement, so we would've already covered the Civil War."

His eyes narrowed for some reason before he nodded and walked away towards the computer. Josh scowled after him before sighing irritably and running his hand through his hair. I studied him for a moment, watching how he drummed his fingers on the desk as Mr. Louis started up the computer. He watched him with cautious eyes, noting every movement Mr. Louis made. I cleared my throat, making Josh turn towards me. I raised an eyebrow, questioning him. He sighed again and shook his head, rolling his eyes again. I bite my lip as I stared into his dazzling blue eyes, my cheeks heating slightly. They flashed down towards my lip. "I'd say you really shouldn't do that, but it's cute and it makes-" he cut off when the lights turned out and bold music began playing. That's when he froze.

His arms went ridged and he sucked in a breath. The class erupted in hushed whispers. "Oh, and class..." Mr. Louis began. The class quieted down some. "Don't forget to take notes." The class groaned and there was a rustle of paper being taken out. I leaned down and got some out of my bag. I glanced over to see Josh leaning on his desk, still as a statue. He glanced at me, and his jaw clenched, his eyes lingering before he returned his gaze to the screen. I watched him for a while before the mood in the room became tiresome and my eyes drooped. I lay my hand on my cheek as my eyes closed.

I'm The Alpha's ChallengeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang