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No!" I begged, sticking out my lower lip. "Please, Josh, just stop at the corner. I'll be fine, I promise!" I said, slightly jolting his arm.

He shook his head and I felt my heart drop into my stomach. "No, Danny, I'm not havin' you walk that far on a sprained ankle, and soakin' wet, I might add." He said, a small smile playing on his lips as he took the turn onto my street.

I groaned, hiding my face behind my hands. I ignored his attempt to try to make me smile, instead shaking my head. "You don't understand." I whispered as he pulled into the driveway.

"What? What don't I understand?" he asked.

I froze as he shut the car off, lifting my head to glare at him. "No." I demanded, stomping out of the car. I walked up the porch as fast as I could without irritating the injury before Josh grabbed my arm, spinning me towards him.

"I don't get it." he said, furrowing his eyebrows. "What—"

The front door suddenly flew open and another, harsher hand grabbed my arm. "What the hell are you doing?" my father growled, glancing at Josh. "Who the fuck are you?" His hand tightened on my arm, but I made no move to try to get him off.

Josh didn't step back like I thought he would. Instead his face hardened as his jaw clenched. "I'm a friend of Danny's." he said through clenched teeth.

Fear prickled at my heart as his nails dug into my skin. "Oh, really?" he asked, unbelieving. "That didn't look very friendly to me." my father said angrily, his eyes narrowing.

Josh shrugged, his hand balling into fists. "So I'm her boyfriend, alright."

I yelped as he pulled me into the house, his voice ruff as he snapped at Josh, "Well, she doesn't need a boyfriend right now. She far too busy and she's already had too many boys in her pants." Both our mouths dropped open as I stared at him. "So I suggest not wasting your time." He said as he slammed the door in Josh's face.

My cheek stung as his hand connected with it. I whimpered as he pulled me into the kitchen, slamming my back against the corner wall. "Who the hell are you whoring around with now?!" he yelled, slapping me again.

His fist connected with my stomach when I didn't answer. I kept my mouth shut in case Josh was there listening on the other side. He grabbed my chin with his enormous hand, making me look into his stormy eyes. "Did I tell you that you could have friends!" he yelled, making me flinch. "Did I tell you that you could have a boyfriend?!"

Tears welled in my eyes as I shook my head. He pushed my shoulders further into the corner, making me grit my teeth. He scowled, pulling his arm back, his hand closing into a fist. In a split second I ducked and his punch landed in the wall behind me. He cried in pain as I fled, turning and running up the stairs.

"You bitch!" he yelled and I cried in pain. He pulled me down by my sprained ankle, slamming my body against the steps.

Suddenly he stopped, laughing as I turned to glare at him. His hands tightened, making me scream. "This is sad," he chuckled, "Your first boyfriend and he's using you!" he laughed loudly to himself.

Anger flared inside me and I lifted my free leg, swinging it towards him. He gasped as my boot heel caught him in the jaw, sending him onto the floor. Gasping at what I had just done, I stood, flying up the stairs and locking myself in. I lunged for my phone on the desk, but my shaky fingers knocked it off the table. My whole body was shaking; tears were rolling down my face as I bent down to pick it up. I jumped as he began pounding on the door. "I told you never to lock this door!" he screamed. The door rattled as he threw himself into it. The lock suddenly broke and the door flew open. I grabbed my phone, holding onto it for dear life.

I'm The Alpha's ChallengeOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora