Cormac Bonus

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I trudged down the dirt path, my head pounding. I could still hear the child's screams as Dr. Moore prepared to give her the vaccine. Desperate to make the child stop, I had begun making faces behind the Doctor's shoulders, earning the giggles of the child. But as soon as the alcohol wipe touched her skin, she had begun to wail again.

It had been a long day. Vaccine after vaccine. School was coming up, and the children had to have their shots. All I wanted to do was take a hot shower, enjoy a good meal, and then climb into the empty bed.

I bristled at the thought, rubbing my temples to keep the headache at bay. My two younger sisters had already found their mate by now. Pretty soon, Kyler would too. He was fourteen. And I would be left alone. I was twenty-two for goodness' sakes. It was past time to find my mate. If I even had one. The way my sisters looked at their husbands... I wanted that. I wanted a woman to look at me that way, to hold her in my arms.

I shook my head of the thoughts as I passed through town, heading for the path in the woods that would lead to the pack house. A lone bar sat on the outskirts of town, but I had no desire to go to it.

I was suddenly aware of soft, almost silent footsteps behind me. My steps faltered, but I resisted the urge to turn around. The breeze blew in from behind, bringing the person's scent straight to me.

That was when I stopped dead.

The smell was... heavenly. Granted there was the scent of old smoke, whiskey, and cheap perfume mixed in, but there was an undertone of... magnolia. Sweet smelling magnolia trees. Southern magnolia. Surely it couldn't be...

"You gonna stand there all day lookin' like an idiot, or're ya gonna turn around and talk ta me?" A female voice snapped, her tone littered with sarcasm.

I turned slowly, resisting the urge to jump up and down in joy. She stood there, her bare arms crossed on her chest, her hip popped out. Fiery red hair curled around her shoulders, making her forest green eyes seem brighter. The way she looked at me, though... it was definitely not how I had imagined my mate would look at me.

Her outfit drew my attention further to the curves of her hips. My heart tightened in my chest and anger rose in my throat. A tight black, lacey tube top clung to her chest for dear life, and a pencil skirt barely covered what should be covered. Fish net stocking hugged her legs, disappearing inside knee-high black high-heeled boots. Leather gloves covered from her hands to her elbows, but the dressing was quite clear, as well as her glare.

"You can stop gawkin'," she rolled her eyes, shifting her weight to stand straight up, but her arms remained crossed. I noticed a small clutch purse gripped in her right hand. "Couple more seconds and I'll hafta charge ya."

Rage coursed through me and I ground my teeth together. "You needin' somethin', ma'am?" I asked as kindly as I could.

Her eyes visibly widened at my accent that matched hers. Then, her eyes narrowed. "Name's Dusty. Dusty McLane."

"Nice ta meet ya, Miss McLane." I forced out, dreading to use her real name. I knew that once I had a taste, I wouldn't be able to let go. The girl obviously held disdain already.

She rolled her eyes. "Call me Dusty, will ya? There ain't no need fer this 'miss' crap. I need somethin', and yer gonna give it ta me."

"I'm sorry?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"I know what you are," she hissed, leaning forward and lowering her voice

I stepped back in shock. She was human... there was no way she could know. I furrowed my eyebrows, shaking my head in disbelief. "I'm afraid I don't know what ya mean, ma'am. My name is Cormac Miller. That's who I am."

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