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My eyes fluttered open without my permission. I found Josh propped up on his elbow, his eyes hard as he scanned the area around us. Something about his demeanor screamed danger at me, and I became suddenly as alert as he was. "Josh," I whispered, but he barely glanced down at me. "What's wrong?"

His hand curled around my arm without warning, and for the first time, he hurt me with his grip. "Get up," he growled, but he was already pulling me up. He pushed me towards the passenger's side hard enough to make me stumble. "Get in the truck."

He hopped down without a glance my way, his eyes still roaming the trees. "Josh, what's—"

"Get in the truck!" He repeated, but I didn't move.

My heart beat faster with every pulse of fear that ran through me. "Wha-what's goin—?"

He turned to me with a glare, his lips pressing hard together. "Now, Danny! Get in the truck now."

I sucked in a terrifying breath and scrambled off the edge of the truck, hearing Josh close the tailgate behind me and snatch up the blankets as I hopped in the truck. I was buckling as he jumped in, throwing the blankets in the back before starting the truck. I gasped as he floored it and I gripped the seat with tight, white knuckles.

"I'm sorry," Josh forced out through gritted teeth.

"What's happening?" I squeaked, and even I could detect the fear in my words.

He glanced at me, regret flashing across his features. "I saw somethin' in the woods. I didn't mean ta hurt you. I was just tryin' ta get you outta there before ya could get hurt."

"It's okay," I breathed, relieved that he hadn't just been angry with me. "Wh-what did you see?"

His face did twist in anger then. "A rogue."

"A rogue?" I squeaked. "As in, like, a runaway wolf?"

"Kinda," he said, and then cursed. "I can't believe I hadn't smelt him sooner!"

"Why didn't you?" I whispered.

His hands relaxed on the wheel. "You," he replied. "I was with you, that's why."

The accusation brought my lips down into a frown. "Wh-what do you mean, me?"

"Yer my mate," he said as if it were obvious. At my blank stare, he rolled his eyes and explained, "Wolves are more vulnerable with their mates. It's our one and biggest weakness. We're so inta our mates that everythin' else fades away."

"I'm-I'm sorry."

He shook his head. "No. I've just got ta learn ta balance the two. It ain't yer fault. I'm sorry fer yellin' at ya."

"I'm sorry," I repeated, softer this time.

He ran a rough hand through his hair. "Don't apalagize."

"W-what's gonna happen?" I asked, finding myself scanning the woods.

"I've gotta tell Alpha," he muttered, his blue eyes flickering from one spot to the next. His hands tightened around the wheel and the truck seemed to go faster, if that was possible. "Then we go after it; chase it out a our territ'ry er…"

Next thing I knew, the stable was in view and we had reached it in half the time we did last night. He slammed on the brakes, threw the car in park before it completely stopped and shut it off. He jumped out of the car without a word and bolted for the back door. Still dazed, I followed him as quickly as I could, but he was in the house before I was. I didn't have to look far, though, because I could hear the voices coming from the dining room.

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