bonus chapter (Levis story)

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Levi's story:

"Hanna," I groaned, trying to shake her off my arm, "Get off!" Her arms only tightened around mine.

"No," she whined. "Josh, why do I have to come anyways?" Her greenish blue eyes widened as she stuck her lower lip out. She shook the straight, pale blond bangs to reposition them on her forehead.

He frowned, glancing down at Danny. He sighed. "Because, I told you, Hanna, Mom and Dad are out and I can't leave you home alone."

"But I've already shifted! I can take care of myself! Besides, why can't Levi just stay home and watch me?" She pouted again.

I rolled my eyes. "Because I don't want to." I replied, trying to shake her off again. "Ugh, get off! Why don't you go hang onto Josh or Cormac? Why me?"

"Josh's got Brett and True, and Cormac's got Haiden and Landyn." Hanna said, laying her head on my shoulder. I groaned and Cormac snickered.

"What if I carried Charlie, huh? Then you couldn't hold onto me." I said, glancing towards Josh's mate.

She narrowed her eyes. "Uh, excuse me? This is my baby." Danny let out a low growl, glaring at me. Her arms tightened around the pink bundle in her arms.

"No!" True protested. "Mine!" The two year old made a grab for her little sister, letting go of Josh's hand.

Josh cleared his throat. "Um, I'm pretty sure she's half mine too." he said, wrapping his free arm around her waist.

Danny shook her head. "No, she's all mine."

His eyes narrowed. "Then Brett and True are all mine." He bent down, scooping up True by the waist. She protested, pounding her little fists on his arms. Danny scrunched up her nose, sticking her tongue out at him.

I cleared my throat, nodding towards the diner we were passing. "What about here?" I asked, trying once again to shake her off.

"Hungwy!" Landyn screamed, bursting into the door.

Cormac groaned, starting after him. "Landyn! No! Get back-!" he called. He gave up, groaning as he reached the door. "I guess this is as good as any. It's not too crowded."

Josh shrugged, setting True down and nodding, following after Cormac and Landyn. The diner smelled of freshly baked cookies, meat, and... forest? I scrunched up my nose. Why would a diner smell of the forest? "Hey," I said, shaking my arm to get Hanna's attention. "Do you smell that?" I asked quietly so humans wouldn't hear.

Hanna furrowed her eyebrows, sniffing the air. She shrugged. "What? Cookies?" she replied, looking around.

I frowned, following her gaze as we made our way towards a large booth. "No. I smell the woods." Hanna finally let go of me to slide in next to Cormac with Haiden in his lap. The four month old slapped the table, making grabs at everything in sight. I sat on the end, trying to make sense of the smell.

"Hi, I'm Celina, and I'll be your waitress today. Is there anything you'd like to drink?" my mouth dropped open slightly, letting the scent settle on my tongue. She smelled of the forest, of flowers and grass. I glanced up at the voice, my breath catching in my throat. Her heart shaped face was framed by her strawberry blond hair that was done up in a messy bun with strands falling around her cheeks. Her large brown eyes were locked on the pad in front of her. Slight bags shadowed under her eyes and her shoulders sagged slightly, yet her eyes still sparkled. Her hand scribbled furiously and her eyes glanced up every once in a while until they finally connected with mine.

Her lips parted slightly and a blush covered her cheeks. "Um, uh," she cleared her throat. "Is there something I can get you to drink?" she asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

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