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I owe you nothing," Grant snapped. "She's still alive. I paid you to kill her."

"So I messed around a bit," I flinched and gripped the railing tightly. "I was getting there before the wolf interrupted me."

"Please," I begged, my form shaking as I stared at the barrel of the gun. "D-don't."

"I'm done with you," he scowled. "You're no use to me now."

The sound of the gun cocking made me jump. "P-p-please. D-don't. Please."

I stared wide-eyed as he brought the gun to his shoulders. I clasped my hand to the blanket, shielding my chest.

There was a sudden yelp from above and a dark form tumbled into the small cave. I gasped as it stood.


I closed my eyes, trying to calm down.

J-Josh? I stuttered. He's here—it's Jake.

I'm on my way, darlin'. He growled immediately.

A fist curled around my upper arm, pulling me harshly. I gasped, my eyes flying open as I stumbled off the last step. "You're supposed to be dead!" Grant snarled, shaking me back and forth. "I'm supposed to be rid of you!"

Something my jabbed right above my hip. Without looking, I knew immediately what it was, and the fear in my heart rose to my throat. Grant scowled, pushing the gun further into my side. "I should've done it myself in the first place!"

"Grant," Jake warned from behind him.

I stared in shock over my father's shoulder. There was a gun pressed to my skin by my father, and the boy who kidnapped me was in the same room. Heat rolled down my cheeks as I trembled violently. Anger suddenly flared in me.

I scowled, but let the tears run. I grabbed his wrist, twisting the gun away from me. Grant sneered, ripping away from my hold. Jake backed away from us, his eyes wide.

The gun cocked, and Grant lifted his arm to aim it at my chest. I stood, frozen once more with my hands by my side as I stared down the barrel. Jake suddenly jumped forward, grabbing Grant's arm. "No!" he yelled, pulling him down. Grant's hand tightened around the trigger.

There was a flash, a loud pop! A searing, burning pain ripped through my side. And then… silence. There was a moment of silence where there no sound save our ragged, tortured breathing. A weak, crackling cry escaped my lips as I grasped at the wound.

My knees buckled underneath me and I crumpled to the ground.

Jake was the first to speak and break the silence. "Oh, shit."

Grant took a deep, shaky breath. "I'm getting out of here."

"But what about her?!" Jake exclaimed, gesturing to me.

Grant shook his head as he backed away, the gun dropping to the floor. Fortunately, it didn't go off again, but Grant's eyes hardened. "Unless you want to be charged with kidnapping and murder, I suggest you leave."

Jake's eyes widened, and he glanced at me before bolting to the door. "I'm out!"

Grant followed soon afterward until I was completely alone.

I lay there on the ground, feeling the thick liquid seep slowly into my clothes. I couldn't move. I couldn't blink. I stared up at the ceiling blankly, studying the water stain that had slowly grown over the years. Moments passed, and I moved to follow the cracks on the walls with my gaze, anything to avert my attention from the numbing pain in my side. It manifested at the bullet wound and spread until my whole body ached.

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