Blood and Hate

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"NOOOO! STOP!!" I screamed but it was too late. I was placed in a genjutsu and tied to a cross looking thing. I opened my eyes and screamed. "PLEASE STOP!!! DONT SHOW ME THIS!!" But he didn't release the jutsu. His red eyes staring back at me and planting images in my head. It felt like I was there for years but when he finally released me, I noticed I was only there for a few minutes. My eyes clouded over as I was going in and out of consciousness.

"Natsuki! Pull yourself together!"O-Okami? I-I can't. "Try!"

I tried to pull myself up but collapsed back on the ground.

"You already knew this day would come. You were just so blinded by your childishness that you fell for my genjutsu so easily." The man said. His red eyes were now back to the deep charcole black. I was about to pass out when a huge pain throbbed in my chest.

"DAMNIT! Fine! Let me take care of this guy myself. Relax." The beast inside of me demanded. Okay, help me Okami!

I looked up at the man without my knowing and swipped at him with my razor sharp claws. He dodged every swipe, keeping an emotionless face. I hit him square in the chest and went to rip out his heart when he evaporated into a swarm of ravens. I looked around for where he would reappear. My ear twitched and I swung my body around. His eyes were red again but before I could be pulled into another genjutsu, I slammed my eyes shut and fought him using my hearing. It wasnt too hard to fight him this way because my wolf ears could pick up even the slightest sound of chakra waves.

"So you're actually a jinjuriki? Well this changes things." The mans calm voice said.

"Why is there an Uchiha here!" Okami exclaimed. There was no reply.

I fought him blinded when suddenly his chakra disappeared. I stopped and listened for him; the sound of his breathing, his heart beat, anything. Nothing. I smelled the air and his scent wasn't anywhere. I opened my eyes and saw that he was gone. I ran outside and the village was burnt to the ground. Everything was gone, even the bodies of the villagers went up in flames.

I fell to the ground tears springing from my eyes as I watched the last of the bodies burn. The air smelled of smoke, death and burning flesh. I dont know how long I sat there for crying but soon the rain started and put out the fires so they couldn't spread.

The next day I buried the remains of the villagers and marked their graves.

"Milady, we have finished cleaning up over here, theres nothing else." One of my wolves said gruffly.

I nodded and patted him of the head. "Thank you Daisuke." he nodded and walked off with the others; Konoyumi, Tsubasa, Kanata, and Yutsuki following behind.

Konoyumi was three times as tall as me with silver fur and warm, liquid gold eyes. She was one of the first wolves I ever made a contract with.

Daisuke was around the same height as Konoyumi. He had golden brown fur with a few small patches of black and blood red eyes. He is what you would consider the 'leader' of the pack.

Tsubasa was a few years younger than Daisuke and Konoyumi but he was just as big. He was grey with the tips of his fur dyed blue and gentle green eyes.

The youngest member of the pack was Kanata. He was around the same age as me and was the son of Daisuke. He had the same brown fur as his father but instead of patches of black, his were red and he had gold eyes. Lastly was Yutsuki. She was black almost purplish with white paws and aqua blue eyes. She was Konoyumi's younger sister but they look nothing alike. At the moment these five are the only family I have left in this world.

After we put everyone to rest, I climbed onto Konoyumi's back and ran into the woods, the others following close behind and listened out for any rouge ninjas or chakra waves. We ran all the way to the Hidden Village of Konoha in the Land of Fire and were alowed entry into the village. Me and my wolves were escorted to the hokage tower by one of the guards. There were people staring with fear in their eyes at the giant wolves walking with me.

Once we got to the hokage tower, I sent Konoyumi and the others back and walked into the hokages office.

"Hokage-sama, here is the Himura girl we informed you about." Said the guard bowing.

"Thank you. You may leave." The old man who I'm guessing is the Hokage replied while staring out the window.

The guard bowed again and left the office. I stood there awkwardly and waited for the old man to say something.

"Come here child." The Hokage said looking at me, a friendly smile spread across his face. I walked up to him so all that was seperating us was his desk covered in papers.

"What is your name child?"

"N-Natsuki H-Himura." I mumbled.

"Natsuki, huh? Okay Natsuki. Why are you here? Where are your parents, your clan members?" He asked concerned. Tears started to play at my eyes but I sucked them up and told him what happened in the past few days.

"My clan was attacked and killed. My mother, father, and clan were all slain. I'm the only one left." I said, my ears dropped and my tail hanging loosly and lifeless. The Hokage nodded and let out a sigh.

I looked up at the Hokage who was now deep in thought. I used my Kekkei Genkai and read the Hokage's mind. My eyes changed from my normal light blue eyes to a darker and duller grey, almost black with gold specks.

'This child has been through alot. She's seen her entire clan killed and had to bury the bodies herself. I think I'll allow her to live in this village and enroll her in the academy when she grows up more. Until then, I'll train her myself." He thought.

I nodded to him and I guess he understood. He gave me a closed eye smile and he discused with me where I'll be living from now on.


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Hope you enjoy!!!!~

(I also put a pic of Daisuke incase youre having trouble with what he looks like :P)

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