When Nighttime Falls

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I groaned and allowed my eyes to flutter open and hit an unfamiliar ceiling. I pulled myself up using my arms to hoist my body into a sitting position. The blankets fell off my chest and onto my lap. My head started pounding and I grasped my head in my hand roughly letting out a small scream.

The noise was loud enough for my raven-headed boyfriend to crash through the door panting and worry lines etched into his forehead.

"What's wrong, Natsuki!?" His voice held desperation.

"Sasuke..." I breathed out his name.

He walked over to my bedside and sat in the vacant chair, his hand clasping mine. "How are you feeling?"

My clouded orbs meet with his worried onyx ones. I looked down to his hand squeezing mine then back up at him. So many thoughts were swimming around in my head. I couldn't remember how I was even admitted into the hospital, hell, I don't even remember what happened in the last few days. My last memory was of... Hokage-sama...

My throat felt dry and I tried to swallow down the lump forming in my throat. I refuse to cry!

I've had enough crying...


My thoughts cleared and I drew my attention back to the ravenette, a gesture for him to continue. "Natsuki, do you remember what happened?"

I was confused by his question but decided to give him my honest answer.

"No. The last thing I remember was coming home from... the funeral... with you." I spoke softly.

"I see. Just like Kakashi said." He whispered the last part so it was barely audible.

A more than slightly uncomfortable silence descended on the sterile room. We sat in that silence, not a word was exchanged, just the occasional gentle squeeze from Sasuke's hand. His eyebrows were knitted tightly together. His face looked in pain, like he was in an internal war against himself. I stretched out my free hand and reached up to caress his cheek, but before I could make contact he spoke up.

"The new Hokage has been found." He said. My eyes slowly widened and my hand dropped the more his words sunk in. I was more than stunned. "Naruto and Jiraya-San are bringing them to Konoha right now as we speak. They should be here by tomorrow evening."

Sasuke brought his head up to look at me. I sat emotionless and non-moving. The shock of this news plus the pain in my head from earlier was not a good match. Even if I looked calm and collected on the outside, inside was a entirely different story.

'How can they? Hokage-sama died only a few days ago, so how could they be so quick to give the position to someone else? A stranger none the less! They'll pay, I'll make them pay.'

After a few moments of Sasuke trying to gain my attention and my fury filled thoughts, I kicked off the blankets and swung my legs over to rest on the lino floor while ripping out the cords and IV wires imbedded in and attached to my body. I pulled myself off the bed and stumbled towards the door, no thanks to the numbness that pulsated in my legs.

I felt something gentle yet firmly clasp onto my upper arm. I came to a halt and continued to stare ahead, the shelter of my bangs barely concealed my raging black and gold eyes.

"Natsuki! Where are you going?"

"Let go of me Sasuke." I demanded making the iciness clear in my voice.

"Not a chance. Go back to bed. You only just woke up."

"Let me go."

Sasuke refused my demand and attempted to pull me back to the hospital bed, "Come on."

I growled, my fangs bitting into my lower lip making it bleed and the coppery taste of it coated my tongue.

"I said. Let. Me. GO!!!" I snapped and without thinking, lashed out at Sasuke. Bringing him down and slamming his back on the ground.

I straddled his waist and raised my fist, readying for a punch.

Before I could send the balled up fist down to his face, I froze. Sasuke lay underneath me, unprotected and completely calm. His eyes bore into my rage clouded ones showing me what he was feeling. They were kind and compassionate and he somehow managed to disguise the hurt of my actions toward him. However, no matter how hard I searched, I couldn't find any trace of fear.

"Aren't you scared!?" I yelled at him, lowering my fist slightly.

He closed his eyes and slowly shook his head before drawing his onyx orbs back to me.

"No, because I know you won't hurt me."

I had no idea how to react to that. I gritted my teeth and raised my fist again.

"Don't bullshit me!!!" I screamed.

"Then why are you crying?"

My eyes widen and I dropped my fist completely. Sasuke gently rested a hand on my thigh and pulled himself up. My eyes we shadowed by my purple bangs. Sasuke brought up his other hand and caressed soft circles on my right cheek.

"I know how hurt and angry you are Natsuki, but this is what's best. I'm sorry I can't do anything to help you." His soothing voice calmed me and my eyes returned to their natural blue colour.

I started to shake and Sasuke rested his forehead on mine, his gaze meeting me.

"Don't worry, I'm here." I nodded and choked down my sobs until I stopped crying all together. He kissed my forehead and I got off him, letting him lead me back to the hospital bed.

He crawled in next to me and pulled me into him by my waist. I buried my head into his chest and his chin rested on top of my head.

"Get some rest. We can talk more in the morning."

And like that, I fell into a dreamless sleep.


Good evening my pretties~!

Here is the next chapter, sorry it's pretty bad and sorry that it took so long but finding inspiration has been a nightmare! Not to mention my stack of Holiday homework would put even Mt Everest to shame.

Anyway, at the rate I'm going the story will either go one of two ways.

Either I finish this story by Christmas (hopefully)

Or I abandon it.

Either way, any opinion you guys have will be greatly appreciated <3

Well, that's all for tonight! catcha next time;)

I dedicate this chapter to toups21385. Thanks for the follow and good night.

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