The Monster Inside

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I want to dedicate this next chapter to my new follower gemmaiscooltail. That you so much for the follow, it means a lot :)

If your wondering why I'm starting to dedicate my chapters, I just felt like it and I only do it to the readers who stand out to me and love my story. So thank you again.!!~


I couldn't stop, the need to kill, to spill blood, to see that snake's head rolling on the ground with a horrified look staring deep into my eyes. The need to stain my hands crimson and the metallic substance decorating my clothes, hair, and body. I want to make him suffer. Make him regret living his life the way he did, regret hurting my home and the man who is like a grandfather to me. Make him regret ever angering a demon.

That's right. I must look like a demon, a monster. A savage beast that lived to kill. That's what I've become... and I loved it!

I laughed psychotically and watched the snake man cower and attempt to run away. The look on his face, I love it! I want to see more of that fear!

I continued to laugh while attacking, no, more like assaulting him. I used everything I had, my claws, fangs, punches and kicks, everything. I bombarded Orochimaru with attacks. He barely had enough time to recover from my attacks before I lunged at him one last time, locking his arm in my jaws and ripping it clean off. Blood splattered onto my face and he hissed in pain. I landed on a tree looking down at him scrunching his face up and covering his severed limb with his remaining arm.

My face was shadowed by the trees, only my glowing black and gold eyes could be seen. I growled animalistically, rather loud even though it was muffled slightly by the limp arm of the snake-man. I spat out the limb and it landed with a thump as it hit the roof. I licked my mouth and fingers clean of blood. His blood was bitter-sweet but enough to fuel my bloodlust.

Orochimaru straightened himself up and locked eyes with mine.

'Such a shame she didn't have this kind of power before. She would have made a wonderful vessel. A shame indeed. I have no choice but to kill her now. I'll finish off Sarutobi-sensei while I'm at it, destroy the rest of Konoha and take Sasuke-kun when I'm done.' Orochimaru thought.

My eyes flashed and I lunged at him again, a roar left my lips and I drove my hands into his chest. However, just as I was going to rip him in half, Orochimaru smirked and evaporated into a coil of snakes.

They sprang up and coiled their scaly bodies around me, restraining me.

"What!?" I exclaimed.

I felt a sickening presence behind me and someone wrapping their arms around me; one around my waist, the other holding my chin.

"Nice try, Natsuki-chan. But you'll have to do better than that." Orochimaru hissed in my ear making me cringe.

"How did you..." I looked to the place I spat out his arm and saw nothing but snakes. "A clone?!"

I gritted my teeth and tried to shake him off but his grip remained strong.

"Get the fuck off me you pedophile!!!" I barked.

His grip didn't loosen, in fact it tightened. I let out a scream as I felt something crack and break. His grip tightened more and my screams became louder as my bones broke one by one. It was getting difficult to breathe. My vision started to blur and I was in the verge of passing out when..

"Release her ,Orochimaru!" and a block of earth in the shape of a fist plowed straight into Orochimaru sending him flying. I flew back a bit as well but was caught by huge, hairy arms.

"Enma!" I exclaimed at the monkey.

"Hello, Natsuki-San." His deep voice answered.

We landed on the branch of a tree and I collapsed in Enma's arms. I looked down painfully, one eyes shut tightly, at Hokage-sama. Orochimaru now stood behind First and Second unharmed while Hokage-sama was trapped in a cage like an animal, along with his two clones.

"Hokage-sama!" I cried. My eyes widened and tears spilled over the sides, "No! Don't cast that jutsu!"

Hokage-sama flashed me a forced closed eyes smile and I cried even more. 'I'm sorry.' were the words that echoed in his head. And time seemed to slow down at that point.

"Sealing Jutsu..." and behind the old man, a ghostly entity appeared; a Shinigami, or the Death God.

One of the hands of the Shinigami passed through the form of a man that was held in chains, the technique is performed by the Shinigami reaching into the 'puppet' which is actually the summoners body in celestial form and is able to seal whoever the summoner has in their grasp and seals them inside the caster.... in exchange for the caster's life.

Hokage-sama coughed blood as the Shinigami now had him. He ran blindly until he got a grip of one of the three enemies. However, it wasn't who he was hoping for. He held on tight and the hand of the Shinigami reached through Hokage-sama's body and grabbed onto the soul that occupied the body of the First. The other clone did the same with the Second. In sync, both their souls were pulled out and their bodies crumbled to dust. The clones also disappeared.

"Hokage-sama that enough! Let me help you! If you keep going you will die!!" I screamed, my throat growing numb and sore. The old man shook his head no. I started to cry a river heavier than before and struggled to break free of Enma's grip.

"Yutsuki! Protect Hokage-sama!!!" I called out to my black wolf. In a second, she lept from the trees foliage and flew at Orochimaru. He shot snakes out of his arm and because Yutsuki was already heavily wounded, she couldn't get out of the way fast enough and was bitten and tied up by the snakes. She hit the floor with a heaven thud and was temporary paralysed like I was. Enma left my side to attack but meet the same fate as Yutsuki. This distraction gave Hokage-sama enough time to get a hold on Orochimaru with a vice-like grip.

"It's over!" and once again the Shinigami grabbed the soul of the enemy, in this case Orochimaru's and began to pull it out.

"Die!" They both exclaimed and the Shinigami almost pulled out Orochimaru's entire soul but before that could happen, Orochimaru's sword found it's sheath in Hokage-sama's back.

"Hokage-sama!!!" I screamed and watched the blood splatter all over the forest terrain. Before the sword could be imbedded in too deep, Enma grasped it by the blade, holding it back.

I bit my lip hard, drawing blood in an attempt to fight back the pain my body held as I tried to crawl to the Hokage. He needs my help and I'll be damned if I just sit here and watch him sacrifice himself!

I misplaced my foot and fell out of the tree and hit the hard surface of the roof. I coughed up a bit of blood when I made impact. I shook off the stabbing feeling and slowly crawled on my stomach to Hokage-sama. I felt a tightening sensation around my ankle then a loud crack. I let out a scream and snapped my head to where my foot was positioned, another fucking snake was there and wrapped tightly around my broken ankle.

"You bastards... don't... stop.... do you?" I gritted my teeth.

My body felt like lead. I struggled to even keep my head up. Pain pulsed through my broken body in waves, each pulse more painful than the last and it didn't help that the snake continued to tighten around my ankle. Looking around; Yutsuki was on her side, barely keeping her eyes open. Enma was struggling to hold back the sword and a mental battle waged between Orochimaru and the Hokage. Both their chakra was waning. It was only a matter of time before the battle was over.

They both screamed.... and like that.... it was over.


I had been meaning to post this chapter for a while now but I totally forgot sorry. Anyways I hope you enjoyed it. ^_^

Howl of Konoha (Naruto Fan-fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz