Team 7!!!

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Hey!!! heres a pic of Natsuki's wolf; Tsubasa and the new chapter....... so Natsuki has graduated from the acadamy and here she meets her team!!


------------ Natsuki's POV ------------

I was on my way to the academy to see who will be in my team. I was chilling out just looking around the village when I ran into Naruto

"Naruto!?" I exclamed shocked.

"Oh hey, Natsuki!" He said playing with his ninja head band tied around his head. Wait... headband...?

"Oh my god! Naruto you've got a head band?!?!?!" I exclaimed pointing an accusing firnger at him.

"Hahaha. Yea I did." He grined. "Does it look good on me?"

"Hell yea!" I smiled and saw a blush creep up onto his cheeks. I rolled my eyes and grabbed his wrist.

"Come on or we'll be late!"

We ran to the academy and leaped into the classroom just as the bell rung.

"SAFE!" I yelled throwing my hands into the air. Everyone just stared at us like we were on something. I rubbed the back of my head and let out a nervous laugh. Everyone rolled their eyes at us and went back to what they were doing. I sweat dropped and heard Kiba laughing at me and Naruto, I shot him a playful glare and walked over to him and Shikamaru. Akamaru jumped into my arms and licked my face. I heard those stupid girls squealing and turned to look at them.

"What a drag..." Shikamaru said. I giggled at his comment but noticed Naruto wasn't with us anymore. I looked around but he wasnt anywhere.

"Naruto! Get away from Sasuke!" I turned back to the fan girls and saw some pink haired girl threatening Naruto. I glared and looked over to Naruto who was standing on a desk, face-to-face with that ravenette. I guess he must be Sasuke. I swear I saw lightning between them. The girls started yelling and screaming at Naruto to go away but instead the guy infront of them got up and knocked Naruto. I burst out laughing and clutched my stomach from laughing too hard. Shikamaru and Kiba rose an eyebrow at me and turned to where I was pointing, and they started laughing too. Naruto and Sasuke locked lips and started gagging and wiping their mouths trying to get rid of each others germs. I was now in tears because I was laughing so hard.

Me and Naruto sat down and listened to Iruka-sensei put us into teams. I looked over at Naruto covered in bruises and scratches from the beating the girls gave him. I smirked and decided to tease Naruto a little bit. Mwhaha.

"Hey Naruto, I didn't know you swing that way." Naruto looked at me confussed but then turned into anger when he finally clicked.

"I-I'm not GAY!!" He whisped yelled at me. I gave him and evil smirk and leaned closer to him.

"Dont worry Naruto, I'll keep your secret." I winked at him, "So what was that kiss like?" I said wiggling my eyebrows.

"I told you I'm not gay!!!" He exclaimed. Everyone in the class turned and looked at us.

"Naurto! Natsuki! Pay attention." Iruka yelled. Naruto slumped back down into his seat dead-panning.

"Haha, sorry Naruto. Im just teasing." I smiled. He shot me a glare but relaxed and said not to worry about it.

While Iruka-sensei called out everyones names, I played with Akamaru. I love dogs!

"......... and Natsuki Himura!" I heard Iruka-sensei shout. Naruto jumped up and down cheering while I had a blank look on my face.

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