What's Under Your Mask!?!?

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"Say, don't you want to see it?" Naruto whispered with a creepy look on his face. "He's been hiding it from us long enough already."

Me, Sakura and Sasuke stared at him waiting for him to continue, but when he didn't, Sasuke spoke up.

"See what?"

"Isn't it obvious?" All of a sudden Naruto was behind me with a scary look plastered over his face, a flashlight was held under his chin making it even more so.

"Kakashi-sensei's real face." Naruto said lowly. Sakura and I pretty much jumped out of our skins and on reflex we smashed him on the head with our clenched fists.

"What do you think you're doing!?" We both exclaim.

Naruto pulled himself up to his feet rubbing the spot we pounded him.

"What nonsense. I'm not interested." Sasuke coolly responded and begun to walk away from the group. "We've finished our mission for today, so let's go home. Come on, Natsuki."

My eyes widened at what he said. Ever since we got back from the Land of Sea a few days ago, Sasuke has gradually started to act like himself again. But, to me, that was even more worrying.

"Um, sure..." I mumbled and started to follow after him. 'I actually want to see Kakashi's face though...' I thought.

"Maybe he has thick lips?" Naruto whispered. I watched as Sasuke paused in mid-stride. Sasuke was dead silent amd I could see him wobbling slightly on his feet as he thought about it. I heard Naruto snicker, happy at the response he was getting from the ravenette.

"Maybe he has buckteeth?" Naruto continued to tantalize him and Sasuke jolted. I watched as his mind begun to wonder to crazy ideas on what our teacher looked like. I couldn't help the sweat drop that fell down the side of my face. 'Sasuke, I thought differently of you..'

I looked over to Naruto, grinning in achievement.


"This is unusual for all of you to treat me to lunch." Kakashi-sensei eyed all of us suspiciously as a bowl of ramen was placed in front of him.

Kakashi shared his ridiculous suspicions with us and we all jumped at the look he gave us.

"W-what are talking about sensei? You're too worked up." I tried to smile but it came of as awkward attempt.

"Right, right! It's just to celebrate you getting out of hospital and being a great sensei." Sakura tried to ease his skepticism. "N-now, now, eat up!"

Kakashi stared at us for a moment longer before reaching for a pair of chopsticks. "I see. Then I think I'll eat it."

As subtly as we could, we stared at him through the corners of our eyes. Each second that passed was like an hour. Just a little more and we'd see it. Just. A. Little...

"Ah! Sasuke-kun! What a coincidence." "Yo, Naruto, Natsuki! How ya been?" Ino and Shikamaru exclaimed at the same time, our view completely blocked by Chouji and Ino's big, fat head!

"Ah! Get lost, Ino-pig!" "Shika, get outta the way!" "I can't see!" Team 7 screamed and immediatly a fight broke out between us.

"Ah~ that was good." Kakashi clapped his hand together and thanked the old man for the food.

Everyone stopped where they were in mid-fight. Sakura and Ino stopped pulling at each others hair, Sasuke froze with Chouji stuck in a headlock, and me and Naruto ceased our attack on Shikamaru. All of Team 7 were thinking the same thing.

'He's fast!'

Kakashi noticed us all staring at him and raised a visible eyebrow. LHuh? Is something wrong?"

Howl of Konoha (Naruto Fan-fic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن