Ghost from the Past

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"Natsuki, let's go out for lunch." Sasuke offered.

"Yea, sure. I'd love to." I say with a forced smile. To be honest, I wasn't feeling up to going out into the village, not when everyone looks at you with disgust, hate and fear. But I couldn't turn my boyfriend down when he's trying so hard to get my mind off of what happened in the past week and cheer me up.

I chucked on my brown coat and headed off to the village following after Sasuke.

"So what do you want to have for lunch." He asked, holding my hand.

I thought of a moment before answering with, "Barbecue!"

Sasuke chuckled. "Barbecue it is then." and we made our way to the restaurant.

"Hello, how may I help you?" the hostess asked smiling at Sasuke and glaring at me.

"Table for two." Sasuke stated obviously pissed at the way she treated me.

"Right away, sir." The lady spoke and led us to a table in the corner. She handed Sasuke a menu and threw mine in front of me. I narrowed my eyes at her but she just ignored me.

"So, what will you be having?" She asked Sasuke, pulling out a notepad and pen.

"A standard pork hotpot for two." Sasuke ordered and handed over the menus. The hostess wrote down the order and shuffled off.

"Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to come out for lunch..." Sasuke trailed off, looking at all the hateful glares I was getting from the other customers.

"No, it's fine. I'm happy at how sweet you're being." I smiled catching Sasuke off guard. A light blush tinted his cheeks.

"I-I'm glad." He mumbled trying to hide his blush with his hand.

"Don't hide your face, you're cute when you blush." I teased and his blush darkened.

"I-I'm not blushing!" He exclaimed and I stifled a giggle.

The lady came back with our order. My smile vanished and I lowered my head.

"Here you are, sir." She said and have us our food before leaving.

We ate our meal, exchanging a few words with each other every now and then.

After we finished eating, we paid for the meal and left. We decided to go straight home and watch movies the rest of the day.

We were halfway through watching the Lion King when someone knocked on the door. Sasuke got up and went to open it.

"Ah Sasuke-kun, Kakashi-sensei has been admitted to the hospital. I was wondering if you wanted to come visit him with me?" Sakura's voice sounded.

I got up and grasped Sasuke's hand in mine before he could reject her. Sasuke looked down at me with a confused face, Sakura shot me a glare but that was completely normal. She's never gotten over the fact that Sasuke and I are in a relationship. I swear she needs a guy of her own.

"Come on, Sasuke. He's our sensei, we should visit him when he's in hospital." I said, my ears flat against my head.

"You know I can't say no when you do that." He sighed. "Fine, let's go."

I nod and follow after Sasuke and Sakura shutting the door behind me.

"Are you sure you're okay going out again? I mean, the hospital is on the other side of the village." Sasuke gave me a concerned look.

I nodded, "It's okay. Kakashi is our teacher so it's only fair that we visit him." I told him. He continued to give me that look but eventually gave up and sighed.

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