M-My house!!!! And the Chunin Exam

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"But Hokage-sama! You can't honestly expect me to go with him!!" I exclaimed.

Sasuke looks at me with the same confused expression I have. I shot him a death glare but he shrugs it off and shoves his hands in his pockets.

"I'm sorry Natsuki, but my decision is final. You're dismissed." Hokage said and flicked through more documents. I growled and stormed out the Hokage building and headed to where my house used to be, Sasuke following me close behind.

**************** flashback (earlier that day) *************

We got back to Konoha after finishing our mission in the land of waves. I cheered as soon as we walked through the gates.

"Hurray! Home sweet home!" I cheered. Naruto and Sakura facepalmed and Sasuke scoffed. I scowled at them and turned away pouting.

"Alright, I'm going to go file the report of the mission to Hokage-sama. You all can go relax for a few days before we start our next mission."

"Hai!" We all called in sync. And with a wave goodbye Kakashi disappeared in a cloud of smoke. I sighed and stretched out my stiff body. Man, I would kill for a bath!

"Hey do you guys want to go get some ramen!?" Naruto asked us with a huge smile plastered across his face.

"Sorry Naruto, I think I'll just head home and take a shower." I said in a soft tone. Naruto's head dropped sadly.

"That's okay Natsuki, maybe later." He said giving me a small smile. I nodded, gave him a hug and ran off to my house.

When I got to my house I froze in shock. My house was no longer where I left it. The only thing that remained of it was the scorched ground and a faint smell of burning wood. I staggered closer so I was now standing where my lounge used to be. There was nothing left. Everything I owned was now ash.

I began to fumble through the burned wood and ash looking for anything that might have survived the fire. My heart dropped when I found a small box, blackened by the flames. I picked it up and opened it. Loose tears I didn't even know I had fell from my eyes as I started looking at its contents. All I needed was there. Photos of my family and clan, a set of kunai I once got from my mother for my birthday, letters from my parents and my Team 7 photo.

I recomposed myself and ran to the Hokage building, the box under my arm.

When I got there I slammed open the door and stomped up to Hokage-sama's desk. I slammed my hands down hard causing the loose papers to jump and fall to the floor. Hokage looked up at me suprised as I glared hardly at him, low growls escaping my mouth.

"Natsuki, child. What's wrong?" He asked.

My eyes narrowed further and I spoke in a harsh, angry tone.

"What happened to my house! I just get back from a long mission only to find my house burnt to the ground, literally!"

The Hokage sat in silence staring at me. He let out a heavy sigh and started to sort out the papers that had fallen off his desk.

"I'm sorry Natsuki.... by the time we found out it was too late." He apologised but I was too angry to care.

"I don't want excuses! Where the hell do you expect me to live!? In the forest? I might be part wolf but that doesn't make me a wild animal! You have to take responsibility for this!" I screamed at him. His expression was pained and I hated taking to him like this. Hokage-sama was like family to me, just like Naruto and the rest of Team 7. But I had to do this.

Hokage was about to answer me but was interrupted by the door opening and an all too familiar ravenette walked in confused.

******************** Hokage's POV ******************

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