Chapter Two: Kristen

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Kristen is the offspring of Captain Usop and Carrie Sheen. Carrie is an Al'Karas whose powers are already dormant because of unusage, while Captain Usop is a Mel'Gorian with his special ability of telekinesis. Kristen is born with both powers, but she doesn't know about these.

Kristen is a seven-year old who goes to Middleton School. She is just a first-grader, but is always bullied by older students.

After classes, she was approached by five fourth-grade boys...

"Oh, look. It's the one," said one of the boys.

"Well, well, well," said the tallest boy who seems like the leader of the five. "What do we have here?"

"Hello," Kristen said. "I still need to do some homework, so I need to go home now."

Two of the boys blocked her path when she moved forward. She tried to get passed them...

"Excuse me. You're blocking my way."

But to no avail....

"You aren't going anywhere."

"Get her!" shouted the leader.

The two boys blocking her path grabbed her by her arms. The other two grabbed her by her legs. They took her to the large garbage bin outside the campus. But, before she got thrown inside the bin, something happened....

The incident triggered her powers. Her mind moved on its own. She telekinetically threw one boy away. Then telekinetically strangled another one. Then she used her telepathy to invade the minds of the remaining two boys and told them to beat their leader. After exhausting herself from too much use of her powers, she went unconscious.

When she woke up, she was already home. It's 8 in the morning already. She thought she was already late, but she realized that today is Saturday.

She got up and went down. Her mother was not on the living room. She checked the kitchen, but she's not there a well. She must be in her painting room, she thought. She grabbed a bowl, a spoon, the cereal box, and milk. She ate her breakfast. Afterwards, she went to the painting room.

Her mother was there, painting as usual. She can read her thoughts from the door, full of art and love. Her mother didn't notice she was there until she called her.


She looked back.

"Hey, Kristen. Come over here, baby."

Kristen went to her mother. She hugged her.

"What happened yesterday?" her mother asked her.

"I don't know. My mind is acting on its own...."

"What did you do?"

"I threw a boy away from me by a move of my hand. Then I strangled another one without the use of my hands. My head ached after I did those two. Then..... uhmm.... my mind controlled the other two then it told them to beat the last boy. Then, it all went black.... By the way, Mom, who took me home?"

"I brought you home. I was to fetch when I saw you."

"Oh.. I'll just watch TV, okay?"

"Okay, honey. I'll make lunch later."

They hugged again. When Kristen went out, Carrie was left pondering about her daughter and her powers. She knew that it will grow more powerful over time. To take her mind off it, she continued painting. But it didn't work.

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