Chapter Nine: Destination Reached

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The team was awoken two months before they reach their destination, because something is blocking their way. It was the Oort Cloud, a plane where comets rest. They surround the Solar System.

They ate food first, then went to their stations.

"We are on the doorstep to the Solar System. The humans call it the Oort Cloud, a very large shell of comets." Captain Dion told the team.

"What should we do to enter?"

"We have three choices. We either fire at them, but it will cause trouble as they might go into Earth, or hit us."

"What's the second choice?"

"Two or three Mel'Gorians will surround our ship with a psionic shield. That way, we could pass through without any harm done to us."

"I think I know the third one."

"What is it, then?"

"We jump?"

"Correct, you are. We jump from here to the other side of the Cloud. But, we must not jump directly into Earth as it will drain our jump fuel."

"What do we choose?"

"I say we vote."

"That's a very good idea."

Captain Dion went to the center of the bridge.

"Who chooses to use our guns?"

None raised their hands.

"Okay. Who chooses to use a psionic shield?"

28 raised their hands.

"Okay, then. Who chooses to jump?"

The remaining 21 raised their hands.

"Majority wins, Captain."

"Then we use a shield."

Three Mel'Gorians volunteered for the places. They focused, then their eyes flashed bright. A shield was suddenly around them. It was visible, as it pulses with power. The ship commenced its trip in the exact pace.

After two months, they have passed the Cloud. They are now in the heliopause. They reached the Kuiper Belt. Then they passes Neptune and Saturn. Another belt stood in their way, but they passed it easily. They have passed the Red Planet. And now, the Blue Planet is in sight.

"We are nearing our destination."

"I can see the beautiful Earth."

"It really looks like Kihla. Except the landmasses are different. Earth has seven continents, Kihla has 11."

One Al'Karas went to the captain. "Sir, may I ask something?"

"What is it?" Captain Dion replied.

"Where is the Bermuda Triangle located?"

"It is located off the coast of America."

"Okay." He didn't know what's America, but he just nodded and went back to his station.

After a few minutes, they are now 50,000 kilometers away from Earth.

"Activate invisiblity shields and entry shields."

They activated the shields. They landed safely on the surface.

"Let's get to work, team."

The One With The Power (Book One of Chronicles of Kristen)Where stories live. Discover now