Chapter Eighteen: Omega

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A tear shed in the Prince's eye.

"Stop this. Now."

"Why, My Prince? We're so close to our goal." Captain Dion said.

"Kerulian just died."

Everyone in the bridge gasped.

"What happened to SAVIOR?"

"I don't know."

"Retreat." Captain Dion said.


Kristen was already tired and strained. Her nose is already bleeding. But suddenly, the weight felt light. Until nothing was on her anymore. The beam was gone.

She looked around her. Many people were there. Majority are military, then civilians.

After looking, she passed out.


Chronos retreated into space.

Prince Tyson then felt again something. Someone reached into his mind again then said, "We're safe."


Kristen woke up in her home, her mother and Paul on her side.

"Hello, darling."

"Hi, Kris."

"What happened?"

"You were awesome! You stopped that laser beam!"

"Thanks, Paul."

Kristen turned to her mother. "Mom, do you know what happened up there in space?"

"I get a strange feeling that those people who attacked Earth are our kinsmen, Kristen."






She already recovered. But, as she goes out of their home, lots of reporters are on the door, asking her many questions.

"What did you do?"

"How did you do that?"

Now, she has to face this life.

The One With The Power (Book One of Chronicles of Kristen)Where stories live. Discover now