Chapter Twelve: Operation: SAVIOR

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Operation: SAVIOR is a program suggested by the Collection to the United Races of the Al'Karas and the Mel'Gorians. It was created in case of a global catastrophe. In this case, to evacuate the people of Erdi and Kihla should Kerulian's unobtainium run out and the star explode and consume the two planets.

It was Operation: SAVIOR that the team saw when they first left Kihla going to Earth.

The SAVIOR was a very large starship, the size of the Moon. It could and will transport every Al'Karas and Mel'Gorian safely through space. Should the need arise, SAVIOR could be transformed from a transport ship into a "planet", with an atmosphere, land, water, and everything a planet has.

The target destination of SAVIOR is Gliese 581 d, first discovered by Queen Ulethia, even before the Kepler mission discovered it.

The time to finish SAVIOR is still two and a half years, and time is running out.

"They still do not have detected unobtainium." said Queen Ulethia to Prince Tyson.

"We will need it now!" Prince Tyson said.

"We need the whole committee of the UR. Now!"

Ulethia used her power to communicate and call on the members of the committee of the United Races.

All of those members went to the meeting room. They sat on their seats.

"Now that you're all here, the meeting starts." Queen Ulethia told the members. "If you please, Magistrate."

Magistrate Hollander went to the front. The Queen sat. The Prince was beside her.

"As we speak here, the research team on Earth is acting. But, time is running out. Kerulian's unobtainium is going out and out because it is part of its cycle." Magistrate Hollander paused. "So, we need to dispatch other team to locate unobtainiums in other parts of space, such as other stars."

One member said, "It would be hard. Why not just focus on the team on Earth?"

"Because, time is running out." Magistrate Hollander said. "We are not just to stay here and wait for the team on Earth to return here with the unobtainium. We should also do something."

Silence was in the room. Until someone spoke..

"We accept the proposal."

"Good." Queen Ulethia replied.

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