3~And History Is Made

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Whoa! I wasn't expecting over five hundred reads over night but hey I'm not complaining. I'm so happy you guys really like 'My Personal Trainer' so far and I hope you guys like this chapter. Thank you to all my new fans and reads! XOXOXOXOX if I could kiss you right now I would. 

You guys slapped a MEGA smile on my face and I could tell that smile isn't going away anytime so....well without any more delays. Here's chapter three..............

Payton P.O.V.

"Can you feel the burn?" Tristen asked me as he ran along side of me. 

"I could feel something but I think it's a heart attack," I breathed out. My legs are sore, my back is sore and it feels like I'm going to collapse at any given moment. God, it feels like someone just put a thousand tons of pressure on my lungs. 

"Payton you’re not having a heart attack your heart is suppose to beat that fast when you’re moving around," he told me. Unlike me, he was running without any breathing problems at all. His head was up, a smile on his prefect face and speaking to me all while running without even breaking a sweat. 

"If that's the case, then I think I'm having an atheism attack!" At this point, I'm ready to believe anything my mind can think of just to get out of running the stupid mile that Tristen has been so sure I could run without a doubt. How can he be so confident in me? 

"Just make it past those two trees and then you’re done," he said. 

Now running backwards in front of me he clapped his hands and said, "You can do it Payton, only a couple of yards away."

“Tristen, I can't do it." 

"Come on Payton your almost there" he pushed me. 

"Tristen I can't do it!" I yelled at him now getting mad at the fact that he had set such an impossible target for me since I’m doing something I've never done before. It's like asking a book to stop having so many words.

"Just push yourself a little bit further!" he yelled at me now serious. 

"I can't do it!" I yelled back before falling on the floor. 

My legs burned and at this point I didn't care if I got dirt in my hair. For all I care the dirt could kiss my big round butt. Today I was proud of myself even though I didn't make it past the finish line. This mile was a big leap for me and I can't up a couple of yards short, big whoop.

Tristen sat down on the dirty floor and just watched me lay there. I couldn't really tell if he was mad at me for not running a few more yards or if he was happy that I made it this far. By his facial features I guessed that he was neutral about it. 

My Personal Trainerजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें