10~Daddy's Watching

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This is dedicated to wereandvampgurl because she left one of the best comments on chapter 9 and pushing me to write parts of chapter 10 everyday until I uploaded. So this is dedicated to you :D

I'm I doing good or bad at uploading 'My Personal Trianer'? Because for some reason it feel like it's taking me centuries to upload another chapter and I don't want to keep you guys waiting for to long.

I have been busy with Lacrosse and trying to make room for hanging out with my friends and writing but my time is becoming limited constantly because at the end of the day I'm so tried and all I want to do is relax and sleep the night away.

So sorry if you think I'm uploading too slow. I'll try and work on that :D

Happy Read!

~ Daddy's Watching

Payton P.O.V.

"Make up. You need to start wearing make up PayPay." Coral said scribbling it down on a piece of paper.

" I don't need to wear make up. Tristen don't like girls with a lot of make up and I don't know how to put it on" I complained picking at my nails.

"Well how about we get you all different types of make up and then see what you like best and maybe you can wear a little bit of it everyday," Brianna suggested. When she put it that way, I guess it won't be all that bad.

I nodded my head,"Next."

" How about jewerly. You can't go wrong with jewerly," Lora spoke up from the other side of the patio table.

Jewerly seemed alright so I nodded my head in approvel. Coral scribbled it down also, while everyone else tried brainstroming more ideas. I could tell everyone was tired but excited about tomorrow because tomorrow was the day we were going to the mall and getting me new everything.

Most importantly, they weren't going to be sweatsuits because appearantly I have to many of those. As Erin said, ' I'm bring sexy back and making it looks it's best'. All the girls had faith in me, they all were pretty sure that my body was a body that a goddess couldn't have herself but if you ask me I think they're over reacting a little too much.

Ok, I know those three months of working out with Tristen paid off but I don't think I'm ready for this. Because as soon as we leave that mall tomorrow, they are not letting me leave the house in sweats. I'm leaving the house in an amazing tight alfit that will have all the guys running after me with their tails in between their legs.

But I don't want that type of attention from people, especially from boys. I just want to be Payton and that's it but I guess getting a few more revealing clothes won't hurt. Now will it?

" I think we should call it a night, I need some beauty sleep" Trisha said with her head on the table. Everyone was tired, everyone but me though. I took a two hour nap this afternoon so I was good for another hour or so. Plus, Tristen is coming over after work to see me.

Oh, Tristen.

So while everyone is sleeping, I'll sneak out of the hour when I smell him near.

Trisha, Brianna and Erin went up to my room while Lora went to Corals room. Everyone crawled into bed without saying a word and fell asleep quickly. Just as I could smell Tristen in the backyard approching the house Brianna sat up and caught me tippy toeing over to the door.

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