22~Time Bomb

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Thank you guys for making me happy on the last chapter. I'm so happy that I felt like I had to give you guys another chapter for today. 

22~ Time Bomb

Tristen P.O.V.

I don't know how she feels after that little stunt that my wolf had to pull off but whats even worse was that I let him do it. Both my wolf and I were mad that she hasn't been telling us stuff that would've been nice to know and that bringing up that Noah kid was what hit me and my wolf hard. 

Payton never told me about him. She never spoke of him and the only best friend that I ever known she had was Trisha and that's it. 

I can't help but to think that this summer is going to be a long summer and it's only been a day. 


That's what I want to do but I can't. She's just so tempting but she doesn't even know it and that brings me to the fact that she innocent and has never been touched...she pure and my wolf and I wouldn't want to have it any other way. 


She doesn't even want me to mark her so why the hell would she want to mate any time soon. I could seduce her but then it wouldn't feel right because then her lust and hormones will be over powering her brain, in other words she wouldn't be thinking clearly when she's in lust, in heat or with her wolf in control.


Oh how I want to chain her down to the bed and show her how much I really love her, how much I really need her and how much she needs me. I want to see her swollen with my pups but even though I'm ready to start a family I knew she wasn't. She just turned seventeen almost two months ago, she still has her whole senior year of high school left and college. Me on the other hand I'm nineteen, been in college for the last three years since I graduated high school ahead of my class and I'm going back to school for one more year.

When I pictured my mate I pictured her being the same age at me and ready for what I was ready for but I'm clearly wrong but I honestly wouldn't change my mate for the world. 

I've been gone for about three hours and the whole time I've been in wolf form getting use to the area and now I'm just sitting under a huge oak tree resting. I could hear shuffling coming from near and it wasn't long until a big brown wolf made itself noticeable. 

I didn't growl at me or bark it just stood there looking me up and down before turning the opposite way but instead of the same brown wolf coming back it was a guy with nicely cut brown hair and brown eyes. He approached me but I didn't move while I keep my eyes on him. He sat under the oak tree but keep his distance as he starred back at me. 

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