20~Self Interest

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Sorry guys that it's taken me a while to upload my stories. I'm still sick and tomorrow is the fourth of july and I atleast hope that I'm well enough to got outside and watch the fire works. But I just notice that tonight is a full moon! :D P.S. his is dedicated to my new baby nephew!! He was born today, July 3rd, around two or three pm and I can't wait to meet him! 

 I don't know is this chapter title makes any sense but I might change it once I'm off of medication. Anways enjoy this chapter and tell me what you think!

~Self Interest

Tristen P.O.V.

The more that I thought about it the more angry both my wolf and I grew. She didn’t want to wear my mark yet and it was killing me inside knowing that she had everything worked out. 

Sure with marking your mate comes the heats and pain but that’s also a sign of love that we’re suppose to share for each other and to know that she doesn’t want to take that step just yet drives me crazy. 

How am I suppose to go a whole summer without marking her. We’re going to be alone in this small cabin and all I could do is just kiss her? I’m sorry to admit this but just kissing her isn’t going to satisfy me. It may have satisfied me for the past month and a half but I want more, I want all of her.

My grip on the steering wheel tighten and I wouldn’t be surprised if my claws pierced the leather material on it. I know that all four of my cannsis were showing. I knew that my eyes weren’t their original blue color anymore but instead they were black. I knew that the more that I thought about the matter at hand that I would only end up losing control but no matter how much I wanted to push the thoughts away they just came back every time I looked at my innocent mate.

I seriously need to go for a run. Being drowned in her scent and hearing her soft breathing isn’t helping me work out my hormones.

Slowly I came to a stop in front of the cabin. Three bed rooms, one bathroom, one living room, a dining room, kitchen, out door pool and a backyard that stretches on for miles. It was a small cabin but we wouldn’t need a lot of space anyways. 

Shutting off the engine I turned off the car and walked to the other side to get Payton out and carry her up to the room that I hope we’ll be sharing. Her brown hair fanned out on the pillow but her grip on my shirt was strong. I tried prying her hands off of me but as soon as I did, I regretted it. She whimpered in her sleep before rolling over a hugging the pillow near her to her body. 

I’ve never in my life would’ve admitted that I was jealous of the pillow. Her leg was draped over it and it was close to her core. Her luscious breast were pressed up against it and…..I need to stop fantasying about this girl.

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