17~One Step Back

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 This is dedicated to WINXLOVER because....well you'll know why at the end of the chapter and I honestly think that EVERYONE should probably read the Author Note at the end as well. 


~ One Step Back

Tristen P.O.V.

I watch her smile and take pictures with her friends. Trisha took a piece of cake and shoved it in Paytons face all while they laughted. Payton did the same thing back to Trisha. 

She kissed me.....

Those few seconds were probably the best few seconds in my entier life time. That kiss will forever be branded in my mine because it was the first kiss that I shared with my mate. Yes, I was sure that she is my mate...Nope, I'm positive that she's my mate because a small kiss like that doesn't feel that good coming from any random girl.

I watched how her tongue flicked out to lick the frosting at the corner of her mouth. I wish my tongue were licking the frosting away from her lips. 

A blot of pain coursed in my ear when someone pulled it and twisted it was hard as they can. As soon and their fingers felt my ear, I held it in pain. Who the............

"Stop starring at my daughter like that and make yourself useful and help clean up." Paytons mom smiled down at me and she swatted me away from the living room and into the kitchen. "You could start by brooming all this confetti and throwing it in the garbage." 

" Yes ma'am." 


I couldn't stop myself from smiling. Paytons mom just shook her head before handing me the broom. "What are you waiting for? I don't pay you to just stand here."

"Ma'am you don't pay me at all," I told her. She smiled at me before turning around and saying, "One thing that you learn that you never have to pay family. They do it out of the kindness of their hearts." She was gone before I could say anything but that didn't stop my smile from growing even more. She consitered me as family and I couldn't be any happier. 

With my happiness at it's peek, I quickly broomed the kitchen and made one pile and threw all the confetti away. I couldn't wait to get back to glazing at my mate and then evenually catching her alone.               It would be a dream come true just to catch her alone and kiss her over and over again. Until her prefect pink lips turned a bright red and to leave her breathless.

Leaning the broom against the wall I quickly made my way back to the living room only to bump into someone. It was Lewis and he wore the same smile I had on my face. We stood there smiling at each other without saying anything. If I didn't know any better I would've question my sexuality but today I have a reason to be smiling like a fool, but was his reasons?

"God, I've seen way too much of......this for one day." Mr. Adas brushed past us and into the kitchen balancing empty trays in his hands. I won't lie to you, I still don't like him but if I'm going to be with Payton then I might as well....open up or be some what nice to the man. After all this is his house and he could kick me out whenever he feels like it. 

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