Chapter 10: Jealousy

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    I stood wrapped in a towel looking over all of my outfit choices. I had strewn them all across the hotel bed after deciding I couldn’t adequately see them in my suitcase. I frowned pondering what to wear.

    “Well I like this view.” I heard Kimi’s voice. I turned around to see him standing in the doorway.

    “I bet you do.” I said sarcastically and went back to my outfits. “How did you get in here anyway?”

    “How about some pre-race ‘activities’.” I felt him run his hands down my arms, leaving Goosebumps were his touch had been. He had taken me off-guard.

    “Kimi, I’ve told you. Its too soon. I still hardly know you.” I turned and looked him in the eyes.

    “You know I’m a man. I have to try.” he huffed.

    “Well I wish you wouldn’t because you know where I stand on this.” I smiled “Put a ring on it, then we’ll talk.”

    He groaned again and then left the room. What he didn’t realize is that it is hard for me to say no too. But I was raised a certain way and I believe firmly that you shouldn’t be with a man that you are not married to. And I have more self-respect than to compromise my beliefs.

    I finally decided on a cream and black stripped sundress and a red sweater. Then I headed down to watch the race.

    The first person I ran into in the paddock was Mark Webber. He was already dressed in his racing suit. He smiled at me as soon as he noticed us walking towards each other.

    “Well don’t you look beautiful today darling?” He hugged me.

    “Thanks, Mark.” I smiled.

    “I heard you and Kimi are an item now? What a lucky bloke.” the Aussie said.

    “Yeah, that spread quickly I suppose.” I frowned, not that I wanted to keep it a secret or anything. But sometimes it would be nice to keep your private life, well private.

    “Formula 1 is pretty tight knit. You can’t conceal much.” Mark shrugged.

    “Yeah, I’m seeing that more and more. How is your car running? Think you have a good chance?” I felt an arm snake around my waist. It was Kimi and he didn’t seem very happy.

    “Not against me he doesn’t” Kimi faked a laugh and Mark went along.

    “I’ve got to get her back to the garage.” Kimi said to Mark and pulled me away. Mark nodded and headed back towards his garage.

    “What are you doing?” He hissed my ear.

    “I ran into Mark, I was just making small talk.” I whispered back.

    “Well don’t! I don’t like him.” Kimi was very mad.

    “Well who do you like? Is there a list of people I can and can’t talk to? Kimi you can’t tell me I can’t talk to people. You don’t own me.” I pulled away from him, which only enraged him more.

    “We’ll talk about this later.” He snarled and stormed off.

    After the race I was schmoozing with the VIP’s trying to encourage them to buy a Ferrari. Several of the drivers who were not on the podium had made their way over to look a the bright red sports car. I saw Lewis Hamilton, Jenson Button and Fernando each grab a glass of champagne from a table near the car.

    “Those are only for those who are interested in buying.” I said playfully to be boys.

    “A beautiful car, beautiful girl selling the car. A glass of champagne may be all it takes to get me to buy one.” Jenson winked.

    “Well then, if you boys are in the market. Let me show you the car.” I walked around the car and began my spiel on the car. I made sure to use all of my flirtatious tactics, which had the boys chuckling.

    “That is some car.” Jenson ogled the car, and maybe me.

    “Certainly is. Who want to buy one now?” I smiled.

    “You’re not even going to offer me a test drive?” Jenson stepped closer to me.

    “Doesn’t the car speak for itself?” I asked coyly.

    “Yes, it certainly does. But I’d love to hear more about it. Maybe you and me out on the road, I’m sure that would convince me.” he placed a hand on my waist. I glanced nervously at Nando and he returned the same weary glance. I heard a fury of Finnish being yelled.

    Jenson whipped around dropping his hand from my waist. I turned to se Kimi, angry as ever. In his eyes I could see hurt. When he saw that I had spotted him he flipped his sunglasses down on his face, turned and stormed away. I tried to follow him but I couldn’t find him in the crowds. I know Kimi probably thought the worst. But Jenson came onto me. I had to explain that to him.

    I couldn’t find Kimi till the next day. I saw him in the airport making his way to his flight. I sped walked to catch up with him. I could tell he knew I was there and he was trying to avoid me.

    “Kimi wait.” I called. He slowed down slightly until I caught up.

    “Look I know you saw Jenson with his arm around me yesterday. But I just to clear it up that he was coming on to me. I wanted nothing to do with him. I was just indulging the guys by talking to them about Ferrari and then all of the sudden Jenson was trying to put the moves on me. I just want it to be clear that you’re the only man I care about, the only man I’ve ever wanted to be with.” I looked him in the eyes. He stood silent for a moment, but then nodded. I grinned knowing all was right between us again.

    “Now, I will see you at the German grand prix. Try not to get into too much trouble without me.” I winked.

    “I will miss you.” He cupped my cheek in his hand.

    “I’ll miss you too.” I said, and he placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

    “I can’t believe you’re not going to be around for almost two months.” he mumbled.

    “You’ll get on fine without me.” I smiled “you did it before.”

    “Yeah, but who will I comfort when they are scared? Or bring coffee to? Or chase all the other drivers away from?” he chuckled.

    “so you will have a lot more free time on your hands.” I smiled “Maybe you can find someone almost as needy as me. Seb is pretty high maintenance. Spend more time with him.”

    “Seb’s isn’t as fun to kiss.” Kimi said then kissed me again.

    “I would hope not.” I giggled, I heard the call for me flight. “I have  to go.”

    “I know.” he sighed. He placed one last long kiss on my lips and then we parted ways.

F1 Princessजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें